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Examples of this are the established Online shopping portals like about Amazon, who live in this principle. The language of the customer understand and even speak: many companies had to in the context of social networks the painful experience do that very different are the language on Twitter or Facebook, as well as associated rules as in the traditional communication. Personal customer contacts are more sustainable, if customer service representative and customer at the same stage of life (such as raising a family) meet, this principle applies to use it. Data protection across all business processes and channels: it is again remarkable how many companies practice a relationship without any consideration of privacy and legal requirements. The customer discovered the irregularities, the damage is large and often ends the relationship.

Consistency in customer relations: it is also continually surprising how few companies provide a reliable 360 view of the customer. It is also a sustainable customer history among a sustainable customer relationship. Departure from the static behavior of offer: sustainable CRM also means that companies do not respond to dynamic customer relationships with standards. Rather, customers expect a customized solution that addresses a specific customer situation. There arises the question of how to implement a sustainable-oriented customer relationship management can be.

This begins with that for customers, sustainable values are produced by the companies invest more in the understanding of customer needs. At the same time, there is a need to focus on the customer and not the product in the customer contact. Because customers want less mass-produced, but tailor-made solutions at the right time. New technical solutions such as real time decisions based on business intelligence and probability models make this possible. Low purchase probabilities are available, products and services are not offered. Another aspect is from the perspective of implementation, to develop a 360 view of the customer at all customer touch points. Sustainable customer relationships require as comprehensive information about the customers. Companies must invest actively and comprehensively in the integration of customer information. Also fast solutions by generous decision powers (empowerment) are necessary so that employees and customers are put in the position, based on the available customer information in real time to make the right decisions. In addition, it is to establish a culture of data protection. In addition, the management must be ready to take a role. This certainly clashes with the principles of short-term profits in companies, there are different interests, which may be the sustainable management of the customer contrary to cross through the divisions. Regardless, a sustainable customer relationship management is facing the challenge to find appropriate solutions for this. ec4u expert consulting ag ec4u expert consulting ag, headquartered in Karlsruhe, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich, Pfaffikon and Zurich is one of the leading companies for services in the areas of customer relationship management (CRM), business intelligence (BI) and integration in the German-speaking world. It offers proven CRM services from strategy to implementation and prospective customers. ec4u looks back on over 160 successful CRM projects and implementations. The customer list includes renowned customers from the core industries of financial services (banking and insurance), telecommunication, life sciences (pharmaceuticals and medical devices), as well as energy management with long-standing customers like Bayer, Bosch, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Telekom, Integralis, MEWA, RWE, Stryker, Swisscom and ZKB. of think factory groupcom GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-72 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71


Again the Sea Urchin is the protagonist in the Hotel Monte Puertatierra thanks to the success achieved in previous editions, returns for Carnival the III week cuisine of the sea urchin from next Friday 25 February and until March 13, will take place in the Hotel Monte Puertatierra, the III week gastronomical Hedgehog of sea. The success achieved by these days in past editions has been repeating the same format, along with the time, which is undoubtedly the best for consumption of this equinoideo. They will be a series of dishes (starters and main dishes) where the Sea Urchin is the protagonist. These dishes, which you can enjoy in the restaurant of our establishment, one of the hotels in Cadiz with best location in the city, are own creations and Mario Fuentes, Chief of Cocina of the Monte Puertatierra originals. Thus, in this specific letter for the most important days of the city, are found among others and to take as starters a scrambled of urchins and courgettes with Bacon and shrimp; the seafood stuffed cannelloni with Bechamel urchins; or a salad of Octopus and sea urchins with paprika oil. As for the fresh fish that comprise the second dish, the Charter gives the choice between Gallo’s filet with sauce of smoked fish and sea urchins; Cod with shrimp and sea urchins with garlic; Hake with sauce of mussels and urchins Escalibados; and monkfish with Salsa Americana of urchins. The Sea Urchin is characterized by a large number of spines covering its body.

They are gregarious animals that form very large groups, stuck in the Rocky walls of the coast and covering everything with its characteristic color and its dangerous you barbs. Other characteristics of the Sea Urchin is its flavor to sea, iodine and seaweed. Traditionally, it has been a product associated with haute cuisine and very appreciated in its flavor. The best of them females urchins, bring it to being more fleshy; and the best way to eat them is freshly culled from the sea, accompanied by a fine white wine.


In the local commerce era very common to observe it reason why began him to meet like Hindu Daniel. The support to its proposal to take the Islam to the members of its ethnic group was carried out by some Muslims who accompanied to him to visit in outlying areas of Maicao the calls that realised, nevertheless the majority was women who in later meetings did not return because only she interested the flattery to them that consisted of a Hiyab, since according to Daniel the women were numerous who wanted to become to the Islam. These meetings did not reach more than three, the credibility of Daniel had been affected because his it preaches was developed without no intention to moderate the political speech and much less to qualify his knowledge in the Islam. Months later Daniel Gonzlez disappears of the scene of Maicao but she appears in the Web with the name Teodoro Darnott and a confusion of denominations like Proposal Latin American Islamic Fundamentalist Political-Military man Integrist, Hezbollah in Latin America, Islamic Autonomy Wayuu, Islamic Military Political Party of Latin America Hezbo Allah.

Hezbollah Venezuela among others with a common denominator: the almost total absence of common elements to another Web of Islamic content. In the content of its messages one perceives little understanding of the Islam and total ignorance of the Arab language. From Soria Manuel Towers in its analysis the Fascination by the success. The case of Hezbollah in Latin America talking about to the messages in the Web of Teodoro express Darnott: equally surprising Resulta the one absence from the subjects more appellants of the Webs islamists: the paper of the woman in the society.


It is financial or of any other nature, problems is that it is a problem for us only if we are prepared to look at it that way. And to exemplify what he thinks in a family facing a period of economic scarcity. Imagine that this family consists of the father, mother and two children 6 and 3 years respectively. A good day the father comes to the House concerned about the economic situation that are experiencing, has no money to buy food for the next day. He sits at the table to talk with his wife and complain about how hard that is life, and how difficult that is making money. In that one of his sons, the eldest, comes running and it pounces to greet him, wants to play with him. The father does not control your frustration and departs him, tells him that they have economic problems and currently is not in a mood to play.

The youngest son comes running behind his brother to go with his father, this bypasses and not even look at it. The mother is sitting at the table, very concerned and when their children come to her, she gets up and tells them that it is very busy. At that time do you think the children understand the situation through which pass their parents? Do you think that they perceive the situation as economic problem? It is likely that not, because children are not prepared, or rather, do not have a reference point, a pattern, a belief, or a picture of what adults call economic problems. The sad thing is that continuing this situation where parents behave this way against them repeatedly and constantly, then children Yes develop the potential to perceive a particular situation as economic problem. In fact his parents thus learned to perceive them.

What determines that we perceive a situation as an economic problem, they are patterns, images, beliefs and something called footprints, which have collected throughout life and make us see a situation as a problem rather than an opportunity. Feat in ours, say so as well, unconscious, and hence it is gaining strength with the passage of time, until a good day is strong enough so that what we see or experience as a reality for us. The situation in itself is not a problem, because if it it were then all us turn away from such situations, and however there are companies, investment funds, banks, etc. acquired debt because they see it as an opportunity. Entire event is neutral perspective with which each of us deals with and perceived the event is what determines our experience. In the second part of this article I will tell about what most of the people is prepared to see, perceive and experience, regardless of their current level of income. You can change the way how you perceive the economic problems and perceive them as opportunities, please click here. Read the second part of the article here. Original author and source of the article.


After it was revealed the pricing and release date of the Nintendo 3DS, the reactions from fans of the brand has been mixed. From Kotaku has wanted to take the pulse regular users in terms of feelings with respect to issues as price, the technology of the console, favorite color of the housing, and other considerations. Also has been plumbed what videogames are the most anticipated, leading the first position the Zelda: Ocarina of Time with a 70% vote for the Kotaku audience preference. Follows it closely the Metal Gear Solid 3D with 62% of the votes and Resident Evil: Revelations would be the third in discord with 60% of the votes. By sections, the new Nintendo 3DS price seems expensive to 52% of the respondents to the survey, while 24% of people it is the expected price and 22 per cent considered it a competitive price. Only 1% of respondents considered that a price is cheap.

Intend to purchase aligns with the perception of price, because 46 percent of respondents prefer to wait to something lower price before buying it. 23% Of participants say they would buy it from the first moment while the remaining 31% will decide based on the introductory offer. With regard to the reasons to buy the Nintendo 3DS highlighted mainly screen 3D (33% of the votes) and titles in development (39%), while other aspects such as Nintendo, 3D camera, the price or the graphical power were among the least voted reasons. As comparative, 47% of respondents the Nintendo DSi, Sony as the iPod touch or iPhone 4 touch screen devices, or other options is choose by a Nintendo 3DS before that by other devices such as the Sony PSP-2. This survey has been carried out by Kotaku on a sample of 5235 users in the community.


From yesteryear until our days has been in force concern for improving the lives of human beings, as well as have been discovering new things, all cultures and societies have contributed something for its better development with a special emphasis on education because they have seen that this sets the standard for an improvement in life, but what about education?, the Magisterium Dictionary describes it as: reciprocal action of two subjects, one with respect to the other, and that it will lead to the transformation of two personalities present makes reference to the refinement and optimization, since it does assert more man, raising their level of autonomy and freedom, i.e. allows you to move away from the answers and get rid of stimuli being able to choose their behavior before it, which is a factor of control and forecasting of consequences 1 above gives to understand the preparation of the individual for futuretaking their own decisions anticipating what will cause each one of them. The topic of education is currently present in every corner of our planet, speaks of a forming and transforming education and is to it to which I refer, I speak of education in educational institutions, which is aimed at quality teaching, where the individual develops their learnings and based them, or at least that is what is expected, because the reality facing us is another, but do whats the cause for which there is no educational quality at least in the country in which we live (Mexico), multiple factors which do not have? allowed that truly has the quality of education that is required, aspects such as disapproval, terminal efficiency, lag, desertion, etc. are those daily seen in educational institutions ranging from the hand with the improper handling of textbooks, teachers, lack of a system of teacher education deficit, lack of support from parents, society in generalthe mass media that it seems that they now are those that form, because if we ask how many hours passed a child on television, on the internet, with a video game, the economic crisis and social inequality, children who work or whose mother works and has no time to help you or direct it, parents who can’t read or write by which would be impossible to help the child with homeworkamong others as well as those who have to do also with processes, social, economic or educational policy, they are the cause of the low quality of education in which we find ourselves.


And the power has many more likely to act and I assure you that you can solve your problem more promptly. To go strengthening its objectives is necessary for you to know the characteristics of the power, in the book by changing our system of beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar will find a lot of characteristics of how mental power, reading this book will know which actions take place to be changing status and achieve the conviction of its objectives to connect with the universal powerhome you will need to push for change will install, but once you have accumulated enough internal energy then everything will flow with extraordinary ease. It is possible that someone argue well and then why they exist and survive people living in destitution?, what happens that power does not act on them? The answer lies in the internal expectations, the accommodation but in a lower State, if someone expects to find food in the bins, I assure you that your desire begins to be met and falls into a terrible hole, it is exactly same as the case of the a person who depends on his family but in a State worse. So that change is presented you should emphasize to your mind that is not willing to accept a defeat, it is a kind of fanaticism, must put his target with so much force that simply the option of losing does not exist in the book changing our system of beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar demonstrates methods to wrap our subconscious mind with our wishesThis way you feel inside that you can only achieve its purpose, this State is induced by a series of efficient actions, in this book you will also find as eradicating negative ideas that bind it and will bring down them, will know what to do at all times and ready to counter the resistance to change. Remember that you must avoid dependence on you and create it in others, do not confuse nor is to be superb and don’t ask for something or not to do any kind of favor, but it knows what things are far-reaching in their life, logically that borrow a curling iron does not represent greater thing. If your desire is to achieve know the power and to act in the direction of their targets will have to bother sometime, self-demand, find the solution with determination, all the answers to any problems already exist and are inside, but if not striving to find them then always will be at the mercy of circumstance, that form cannot be reached to freedom.


Plucking is a problem for many women. Most end up without patience and using the blade to shave. This is an error since the blade makes hair grow stronger, thicker and darker. Also on many occasions hair scarring. This occurs because to be able to go outside the hair should break the skin that covers the follicle. On many occasions the hair can not leave, this occurs for two reasons: can be hair is very fine and does not have force, or because the skin is too hard to be able to cross it. According to UISOL, who has experience with these questions. The reaction of the hair when you can not come to the surface is to continue growing and sometimes curves and rolls up. Now, a normal hair is no longer a normal hair, is an uncomfortable entrenched hair.

When this occurs we began to despair and only think about removing it. Normally throw away with tweezers and break the skin but this only leads to infections and scars and not even solve the problem many times. What to do in these cases is staying calm, exfoliate the area and look for some alternative hair removal method that does not involve aggression to the skin. My personal recommendation: laser hair removal. This method of hair removal makes the Epilator is never more a torment and hair grow entrenched to stop and exit much finer and ultimately won’t have to shave you never more. Laser hair removal is now within the reach of all thanks to home use laser hair removal machines, it is no longer necessary to allow savings on beauty salons. Original author and source of the article


Forms To make Online Money: you go to find hundreds of different forms if you to look for. Some are real methods and legitimate to make money online and others are burlados projects and of the type it is rich fast. To gain money on-line demands work and coherence very. But, if you will be made use to place time and effort for this, has some ways that you can use to gain an extra money in the Internet. Here they are some of them: To gain Money With Programs De Afiliados: This is, of far, the best way to gain money online, at least in my opinion. You are basically vende products of other people and gain for each sales a commission.

You can find products digital, as for example, e-books, between several others, in sites as ClickBank and CPA Rocket, or Vcommission. He gains Money Creating Sites: If you are good in what she makes, why for not gaining money making this? He has softwares even though free, as Kompozer that you can use to project and to construct sites with appearance pleasant without any knowledge of HTML. It uses fruns related webmasters, as WarriorForum and DigitalPoints, to find purchasers. It gains Money With Submission Of Directory: For a website or blog to be successful and to gain money, it needs traffic. It has many ways to work the traffic.

A way is to send its site for site of directories. But, webmasters and blogueiros generally are busy with other aspects of the functioning of the site, then they do not have time to make this. She is here where you can enter, offering in exchange for to present the site of them for directories a tax. For this she uses fruns as SitePoints and DigitalPoint to offer to its services for blogueiros and webmasters. To gain Money With a Directory of Niche: You already saw those sites directories that a list of specific sites in different categories has.


Blog or Website? Many of you will make that question time to think about making money online as thousands of people today. Make money online, is not easier with a blog or a website, really do not determine anything like that since because as I always say: content is King! If you have a good amount of content, either on website or a blog you will get the results you want. Now, you will be asked what is best for you, a blog or a website? We will begin by the simplest, explain that it is each of them exactly. What is a blog? A blog is a series of posts called content and they are usually sorted by date with the most recent at the top. Some are organized by categories for better navigation for visitors.

They are able to receive comments for each topic you post, this makes that you can interact with people. Normally tends to be used as something more personal, since people expressed their feelings in many of them, and is that blogs they were originally created as something personal, but they are now also used as website to inform persons, etc. Theme for Blog theme for your blog is very important, because you remember that you have to constantly update the contents. Then it is advisable to choose a topic which you have a broad knowledge and can write good content thereon. People will find their content interesting and wait for more in the future.

Possibly subscribing to your blog. Creating a blog create a blog is totally free, the space is usually unlimited. There are websites where you can create your blog in just minutes. The two main ones are: WordPress and Blogger learn how to create a Blog. What is a website? A collection of so-called content is web pages (web pages).
