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Differences of up to 113% in the price of ADECES (Asociacion Pro civil, economic and social rights) operators find differences of up to 113%, i.e. more than 150 euros for a basket type of thousand minutes of calling, mobile and intelligent network (90 X), the most expensive domestic consumption basket and in addition they are excluded of gratuity in commercial packages that offer different operators. Analyzed calls are very important in residential consumption, in particular, the numbering 90 X very used on all services of help desk, aftersales services and even services of appointment of health, etc. Packaged offerings of telecommunications operators have put the accent, throughout these years in free national calls from fixed to fixed, Metropolitan, provincial or interprovincial communications are therefore free to one number of minutes sufficient for homes. But the emphasis on this type of commercial offers packaged, casts a shadow over the costly reality of those aimed at mobile, intelligent and international network. Comparison with target calls calls to mobile phones cost differences reach 54%, among the cheapest operator (MOVISTAR) and the most expensive (ONO), i.e., 45.

Other operators such as VODAFONE, EUSKALTEL, R and JAZZTEL are between 30% and 38% more expensive. ORANGE and TELECABLE are 27% and 17% respectively more costly. The price differences are still made in calls to intelligent network numbers (90 X) in which, among the most economical operator (MOVISTAR) with 15 euros, and the most expensive (VODAFONE) there are differences in 131 euros, i.e. a 854%. The percentage difference with respect to R is also significant (143%), as well as to JAZZTEL and ONO, above 80% in both cases. ORANGE costs are slightly more expensive (13%) and TELECABLE is 8% more expensive.

Also in calls internacionales1 there are differences between the more cheap, now JAZZTEL (39.37 euros) and the most expensive EUSKALTEL (65,40 euros), i.e. 66%. The differences are below 40% compared to ONO and by 30% in relation to TELECABLE, reaching close to 15% in the cases of R and VODAFONE. Finally the difference in relation to MOVISTAR and ORANGE is 8% and 6% respectively. In a basket type of domestic consumption of thousand minutes of international calls, mobile and intelligent network are observed price differences of up to 113%, i.e. more than 150 euros. MOVISTAR in this basket is the most cheap with 139 euros, while VODAFONE with 297 is the most expensive operator, followed with more than 200 euro ONO and EUSKALTEL. In the vicinity of the 200 R and JAZZTEL are. Finally, above the 160 euros are ORANGE and TELECABLE. The growth of such calls the constant growth experienced by this type of calls and their prices do every day have more relevance. Thus for example, the percentage of total (domestic and business sector) traffic towards Mobile went from 6% in 2002 to 8.5% in 2009, although it stood at 9.4% in 2007 (before the crisis). In the residential sector fixed-mobile calls accounted for 5.1% in 2009, but two years earlier accounted for 6.2%. For its part, calls from residential, to numbers of network intelligence, grew despite the crisis, going from 3.9% in 2007 to 4.2 per cent in 2009, in unequivocal proof, that they want or not users, are committed to employ increasingly this type of numbering, finally, international calls remain that least affect the basket of residential users. In 2007 were 2.4% and in 2009 fell to 1.7%. For more information: Carmen Rodriguez 914667051-655319004 access to graphics: basket llamadas.pdf source: press release sent by Adeces.


The music production has much time did not exist only some dedicated categories of softwares. Nor we need to go very far. In the early 90’s these categories were, basically, the following ones: – Sequenciadores (former.: Cakewalk, Logic, Power Tracks); – Programs of notation (former.: Encore, Finale); – Multi-tracks (former.: Pro Tools, that in its first version, of 1991, offered 4 tracks of audio and cost U$ 6,000, 00); – Automatic Arrangement (former.: Band-in-a-box). The digital technology still was expensive and impracticable for the audio one. The table computers were not common articles – especially in countries as Brazil – and so little were capable to answer to the requirements of audio processing demanded by the digital one.

The musicians had terror of sequenciadores, a little for preconception another one little for laziness to learn language MIDI, that sufficiently is complicated. Notation programs also were expensive, difficult to be manipulated and nor always they produced partitions of easy reading. what to say of the programs of automatic arrangement? The intelligent keyboards of the line and the Roland sounded so amateur how much (nothing against these equipment but they had absolutely been projected for the amateur public). In this scene, the recorders of coil, the pautado paper, the pencil and the rubber still were the best options. In the second half of the decade of 80, set-ups of keyboards and modules of sounds hardwired in sequencia saw MIDI (in a type of known linking as daisy chain), had especially started to be frequent in the palcos and in the studios of writing. The possibilities of combinations were immense but, basically, two forms of set-up were more common: 1. Controlling keyboard + Sequenciador + Enslaved Keyboards and/or Modules of Sound. The Controller (Master Keyboard) was responsible, as the proper name suggests, for controlling and having access all the Enslaved Modules of Sound and/or Keyboards and also to generate information MIDI for the Sequenciador.


Before defining the reasons for consuming this type of products, we will explain briefly what are. In a simple way, we could say that organic products are those that have been obtained respecting a form of production from natural products and media, whether in agriculture or animal husbandry. That is, respecting the environment, the natural balance and the welfare of the animals; prohibiting the use of chemical products of synthesis (artificial pesticides and fertilizers) and genetically modified organisms. There are many reasons to consume organic products, among the main highlights: being natural products that contain no additional additives, are grown in a way natural, something very similar to as used it to do long ago our grandparents, they contain no pesticides or genetically modified organisms, are often used traditional methods to cultivate products and a natural way of raising animalsthey are sustainable for the environment, ecological, not pollute the waters or are detrimental to the animals. It goes without saying that they do not contain any antibiotics or genetic modifications. But not all organic products are food, also there are cosmetic or household cleaning products. Organic cosmetics, is a trend that is becoming stronger, due to various factors such as pollution or climate change, increasingly our skin is more sensitive to external aggressions, why this kind of totally natural products are so beneficial to all, and to a greater extent for persons with dermatological problems, since they are completely hypoallergenic. In establishments specializing in organic products can find variety of hygiene and personal care products as creams, shampoos, conditioners, gels.

There are also plenty of products for the smallest of the House, how diapers, wipes and creams. But not everything are creams, are increasingly popular for home, how natural degreasers, cleaners ecological dishwasher, handkerchiefs of paper, toilet paper, etc. Ultimately, the market offers us many products and foods that are both good for us and help conserve our planet. It is in our hands is deciding that products consume and try to leave a world better than expected to our descendants. It is never late to raise awareness to the environment.


That the building at random, faceless high-rise building standard "Box", to build the first purchased the site at a reasonable price and receive a profit, companies now have to forget! – Says Andrew Zapevalov – Only a thorough knowledge of land and real estate markets in the region, knowledge of concurrency protection, market research, the development of the individual really attractive to clients of the project will facilitate the successful implementation of projects on the residential real estate of Crimea. With respect to falling prices for primary residential property caused by the crisis, in the opinion of most experts, the Crimea will survive its most easily. Of course, the expected 20% or 25% increase in prices for apartments southern coast it is not expected, however, a catastrophic fall in prices should be expected. According to experts with the crisis before the end of 2008 apartments in the regions of Yalta, Alushta, Sevastopol will drop no more than 10-15% (and we are talking about prices in dollars, taking into account growth rate which we can speak of continued growth in house prices in Euro). In this real estate of Crimea low-cost hardly more than a fall in price by 5-10%, mid-priced apartments can "lose weight" in costs by 10-15%, the same price of luxury housing and apartments (which ranges from 500 to 1 million USD or above) is expected to almost fall. According to experts of the company "Market-Crimea" in the crisis for builders and developers residential real estate of Crimea one of the most important tasks will be to find new financing methods. So one of the promising areas of real estate could become the Crimea in installments, which will exclude banks from the chain builder-buyer. Naturally, such a pattern of relations may be a "shoulder" only big companies with their own funds. According to experts, the accumulation of pent-up demand due to a number of conservation objects can lead to stabilization and then an increase in housing prices in the Crimea is in the 2nd half of 2009, while proposals for this period will be less..


The savings measures adopted by the Ministry of health and the CC.AA will help the pocket of the State but not so much to the pharmacists. And it is that Asefarma, one of the consultants of leading pharmacies in our country (, believes the recent Covenant of health and of the autonomous communities to reduce 1.5 billion euros of course will again affect the profitability of pharmacies. A further fall of the price of drugs and the intensive use of generics will affect the profitability of pharmacies that will have to sell more to earn the same or less, tal and comoafirma Carlos Garcia-Maurino, its managing partner. Also counseling believes that this clipping, the situation of crisis that we suffer, is only the beginning of others that might come. I understand there could even be more, because in a context of crisis, with widespread cuts spending, the heading pharmaceutical is one of the most sensitive and easy to attack as have the figures to the cent. Like this things the recipe Asefarma proposes to vaccinate against this reduction in profitability and others coming is not other that the dump in the active management of the pharmacies.

The pharmacist to avoid further losses have to work in areas such as purchasing and stock management, training of personnel, marketing plans, fidelity plans, human resources, manuals of procedure, etc., in order to optimize the management of the pharmacy. There is a wide margin of improvement in numerous pharmacies Spanish applying these concepts, which can reach 30-40% on average in the increase of profitability. From Asefarma provides clients the tools and the necessary counselling so that they implement them successfully, ends Garcia-Maurino. About ASEFARMA: ASEFARMA, S.L. is a global consultancy of pharmacies and pharmacists with areas of buying and selling of offices of pharmacy, tax, labor, accounting, financial, insurance, legal and strategic consultancy committed to finding solutions to the problems arising from the professional activity of the pharmacist, with a direct and continuous contact with their customers, which they reported the innovations that occur in all areas above, and how affect both to them and to their pharmacy.


When it seemed that it was normalizing the situation, after the disorders caused by the workers of Aerolineas Argentinas that left thousands of travelers stranded in Ezeiza, a strike by workers of Lan, again complicated the picture. This morning, surprisingly, workers in the company’s Lan, characterized by providing cheap flights to Chile, Peru and Argentina, began a strike indefinitely. The conflict arose between the company’s flights asafatas and further complicated the situation that lived in Ezeiza, violated by the closure of Aeroparque. The LAN company cabin crew, grouped in the Association of aeronautical personnel (Atcpea), and cab crew announced that they not inteded measurement to both not mediate the Ministry of labour. Meanwhile, sources of the mentioned Ministry, voiced the authorities this morning issued a compulsory conciliation to unlock the situation that keeps unemployed domestic and international flights. Paula Marconi, general secretariat of the Union comprising staff in conflict, stated this morning that the measurement of force was declared after failing claims that full implementation of the labour agreement of the sector.

Trade Union action already prevented the departure of the first six flights scheduled for this morning and threatens the rest of the programme of activities of the company. The labour agreement is being violated and the aeronautical standards, therefore are not respecting, unemployment will remain until you intervene the Ministry of labour, warned Marconi in dialogue with the press from the air terminal. Also estimated that in the event that if handed down the mandatory conciliation, workers they will abide by the provision. On the other hand, the unionist denounced that the LAN company is negotiating with the Asociacion Argentina de Aeronavegantes, and there does not have any affiliated worker. Meanwhile, Pablo Querol, spokesman for Lan Argentina, told the media that the company has not registered any complaint about the course breach by the company of the Convention and invited representatives of the Guild to contact the offices of the company or to the headquarters of the Ministry of labour.


When objects of collateral assets, were not related to professional or business activity of the debtor or a production unit of ownership or not necessary for the continuity of this activity, not will be affected by the bankruptcy Declaration. In no event shall the stay of execution in the competition of creditors of individuals, since the lack of business or professional activity prevents the concurrence of the requirement of the condition. Once you’ve spent a year without the adoption of any Convention or open the liquidation, may resume suspended executions and start which have not done so before the bankruptcy Declaration, although the judge competent to hear the case will be the own bankruptcy judge. Open once the liquidation phase shall terminate the ability to run separately for those creditors who had not initiated proceedings before the Declaration of bankruptcy and will resume those executions which had been suspended by virtue of the above, although as a piece separated within the bankruptcy proceedings. Should also be borne in mind that the Declaration of bankruptcy does not affect the execution of guarantees regarding the debtor holds third holder of those condition. On the interpretation of this provision of the bankruptcy law is very interesting analysis which is done in the resolution of 6 June 2009 (BOE of 20 of July of 2009) the General Directorate of the registries and notaries, in an appeal lodged against the refusal of the property Registrar from issuing a certificate of ownership and charges in a procedure for direct execution on property mortgaged. A procedure for direct execution on mortgaged property, orders the issuing of certificate of ownership and charges resulting from the 656 of the LEC and the practice of the marginal note provided for in article 659 of the LEC.


Peruvian cuisine has many varieties of dishes in this case is about vegetarian food most people always consume red meat, fried chicken, which is very delicious but everything in excess is harmful.Know that vegetables are very important for health is why I wanted to write a few reasons of the because consuming food vegetarian habits of consuming healthy food is good for our health. Polyunsaturated vegetable fats tend to lower blood pressure, while animal fats raises it. Eat more fruits, vegetables and grains, greater amount of nutrients will have his body. A varied and properly balanced vegetarian diet brings the levels needed nutrients your body needs. Vegetable-based dishes are more economic, in terms of costs of the fruit, think that you’re saving medical bills. It will increase their knowledge on coatings taking interest in changing their eating habits, and recourse to the existing literature on vegetarianism. Vegetables have fiber. Fiber helps to have better digestion helping avoid constipation. Vegetables have plenty of water especially if consumed raw. This water helps moisturize and along with the fiber containing give feeling of fullness and help keep us in shape or lose weight pasta and cereals are good source of energy, recommended especially for athletes and the fisioculturistas, to build muscle and increase strength.


‘Soft factors’ are becoming increasingly important in the recruitment of Dusseldorf, October 09, 2010 – still a huge vacant Engineer jobs gap in Germany. Bearing in mind that with any engineering point – statistically – two more in research and commercial jobs, the economic dimension of this nauseating is abundantly clear. Current surveys see nearly 37,000 engineers alone for July of this year too little to cover the needs of German companies. According to a report in the financial times Germany (FTD), the topic of education is also becoming increasingly important for the entire profession. Because engineers take over increasingly management tasks, it involves skills in addition to purely technical know-how especially business knowledge and the so-called soft.

These include presentation techniques, communication skills or the ability to motivate self and others, as well as intercultural competencies “, as the FTD. And further: engineers themselves should therefore increasingly their own person as well as their values and deal not only with technical issues. The Munich-based career consultant Madeleine Leitner can confirm this. There are deficits in leadership and communication. Engineers are often very bad, when it comes to their own marketing’, has observed Leitner, who works a lot with engineers. Especially in the competition with economists, she withdraws the shorter therefore in many cases. Large companies offer sometimes already support in improving their interdisciplinary qualifications professionals”, as the daily newspaper.

That soft skills already in the process of setting play an important role, confirms Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the consulting firm specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf. For the recruiter the task no longer demand facts therefore mere views and comparisons of qualification certificates, but in the questioning and evaluating the required soft or soft skills like team,. Conflict and criticism, discipline and esteem, motivation or ability to communicate – to only a few to mention “, so the staff expert. Soft so the conviction of the author Claudia Lange, increase skills finally the market opportunities of a company in the competition. “Who wants to inspire its customers sustainably, must exercise it with all your senses, so a core thought of her current book soft skills – customers sustainably delight”, which appeared at the beginning of the month in the Haufe Publishing House. It gives suggestions, an awareness of our own actions to develop and thus the expectations, specifically to recognize the needs and concerns of our customers. The common practice is of particular importance: the book includes many examples based on real-life experiences, which has made the author in his professional capacity as a management trainer and coach. Claudia Lange is a seasoned executive and expert for soft skills. Editing plain text ONLINE on the Hamdan 27 53127 Bonn E-Mail: info(at)


Trend-setting statements from the practice of Munich, 24.01.13 more than 350 guests from business, industry, agency scene and designer took up the invitation of the Buttenpapierfabrik GMUND to the “GMUND fire Convention” followed in Munich, to trend-setting presentations by the experts Florian Haller by service plan, Gerd Strehle of Strenesse, designer Marc Friedland, to hear Dr. Kaufmann from Leica and Florian Kohler GMUND and to exchange ideas. BU: Fire Convention in Munich around 350 guests from business, industry and advertising met the GMUND. Florian Kohler, owner of the Buttenpapierfabrik GMUND, welcomed as a world all the words valued competence center for paper, color and structure accompany and advise in the aesthetic development of the respective brand identity for many years and thus positively charge the names of our clients. We are the creators of brands for many of our customers more and more.” Florian Haller, Chief Executive Officer of the service plan Group spoke about the Internetization”brand and the challenge of brand management in the digital environment.

Gerd Strehle, Chairman of the Board of Strenesse AG, explained his experience from the perspective of a fashion-maker, which has linked the aesthetic style of its products, like no other, with the brand image of his house. Dr. Andreas Kaufmann, Chairman of the Board of Leica camera AG gave interesting insights to the brand management in the field of tension between tradition and innovation. The surprise guest Marc Friedland brought Hollywood flair to Munich. The designer of Los Angeles created invitations to top VIP events, as well as the by far most popular and most photographed envelopes of the world, the annual Oscar Award. U.S. Designer Marc Friedland, presenter Alexandra Polzin, Florian Kohler, Buttenpapierfabrik GMUND, Gerd Strehle, Strenesse AG, Dr. Andreas Kaufmann, Florian Haller, group’s service plan and Leica camera AG (v.l). BU: Made in GMUND: the invitations for the VIPs of this world come from GMUND.
