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Of course it was to be expected that one was not going away to give unamimity in the fine declaration with the companies of all the presidents, that already was warned, especially before the problem of the inasistencia of Cuba. For that reason it does not surprise that one says, that the question of Cuba was one of the obstacles unsalvable that they have prevented to agree a final declaration, a to weigh of which Obama announced that government is ready for " new comienzo" with Cuba and to enter into an ample dialogue with his leaders. The Latin American leaders have asked very insistently to the American agent chief executive who ends the 47 years of North American economic embargo on the island. The raised final document rough draft was rejected especially by the member countries of the Alternative Bolivariana for Latin America and the Caribbean (WHITE), headed by Venezuela by to consider it " insufficient and inaceptable" , and in addition because " it does not give respuesta" to different restlessness from the continent. In any case, the own Chvez emphasized after the last meeting of the American leaders to whom the press did not have access that this summit has abierto " a new one was in the relations between all the countries of ours continente" , according to it gathers TeleSur. In its declaration, the countries of the DAWN, Bolivia, Cuba, Dominican, Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela, explain that the rough draft of declaration is " insufficient and inaceptable" because " it does not give answers to the subject of the economic crisis global" and because " it excludes unwarrantedly to Cuba". It is possible to indicate, that it is the first time in the history of these summits, that began in 1994 in Miami, that a group of countries vetoes in block a final declaration. .


The most controversial points to be argued: public financing of the campaigns, district vote and vote in list. They would be thus, established criteria that would finish with the improper use them public mounts of money in the campaigns politics, preventing to a large extent the possibility of corrupes. The vote in list would be the voting in the party and not in the candidate. It is defended by many as a form to strengthen the partisan structure. The district vote would allow a bigger control on the part of the voters, in relation to its public representatives. It has a requirement of the society, for ready application of the Law of the Clean Fiche, through which honest individuals could only candidatar themselves. Until then, it was not obtained. It interests who? The release of the propaganda politics, with gratuitous access to the radio and television, with diffusion of unrealizable promises, is sorvidas by a devoid people in search of a paternalism, that supplies its necessities.

Today, unbeliever. He fits to the National Congress, to approve the necessary reform. Emendations constitutional would be necessary, objectifying to the revision of the living electoral laws. However, the only emendation carried through so far, was of the implantation of the re-election for plus a mandate, favoring the ambition of the continuity in the power. Defenders of the idea also exist to diminish the great amount of political parties, aiming at to a bigger structural control of the clubs, preventing the spraying of partisan entities, that do not possess an ideology well definite e, confuse the voter. We cannot guarantee that it would be the solution for all the problems, but I have the certainty of that it is the attempt most reasonable for a transparency bigger politics, in a country that clama for honesty and commitment with the citizenship. While the definitions demanded for the society are procrastinated, it goes if perpetuating the unreliability, the chaos of the health, the balbrdia in the education, a people orphan. Until when?


One can not imagine New Year, which did not take part Santa Claus. They are symbols of fun and noisy celebration and even we can safely say that they are his calling card. New Year is an amazing holiday for us all, because in this day want to make everybody as happy as children and adult generation. Therefore, in the New Year's Eve all exchange gifts, but the important is the fact to the gift that you give or you give, was from the heart and the person who receives it, I realized your love. You are thinking how to please and surprise your loved ones? You do not know how to please them in such a happy holiday? Then the correct decision, which will leave no one indifferent, you will call Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at the house. After purchase of Santa Claus at home, you bring happiness to his entire family! Everything kids have dream to see this in my house Grandpa Frost, tell him the poem, sing a song with him on New Year's, the cause of dance around the green decorated Christmas trees and, of course, get out of his big red sack her gift.

Therefore, to invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will be most welcome and a perfect gift for your child. Arrange for your children an amazing holiday with our help, inviting me to visit Santa Claus and Snow White! However, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden like to come for a visit is not necessarily for children, but even with great pleasure to congratulate the whole team will come to your company for the New Year and wish your development business. Order of Santa Claus as easy as adults, too, nice to meet Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, because they love to these meetings and they like to sing with them Christmas songs, dance, drive a merry round, and instead receive gifts. You will delight your staff, Santa Claus will come when in office. Organize your colleagues simply an extraordinary New Year! And then they all this year will be full of excellent memories of this noisy, fun and unusual event.


Recognized as one of the most popular mainland tourist destinations in United States and a leader in vacation, New York is the most important city in the world for some. The city of the Empire State Building hosts some of the most varied cultural agendas that can be found, such as the Museum of modern art or the Metropolitan Museum. With a very wide range of possibilities, no wonder that visitors to the Big Apple feel outnumbered. If you only have a few days to experience New York, what you employ them? Here are the 5 keys to a native New Yorker to make the most of your trip to New York. Council 1 schedule your time New York is an exciting city in which every corner offers a new opportunity to take your best shot.

Hide some of the best-known images of New York the statue of liberty or areas like Times Square and the Theatre District, and although they boast some of the finest hotels in the city, also give shelter to a large working population, very close to the main centre of transport of New York (The Port Authority). Stroll its sidewalks and taking photos is more convenient from 10 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m., dodging the hours tips. Stop too long during these periods of hustle and bustle is a good way to get lost among the stream of people that comes and goes from their places of work, and possibly make their way to nudges. Although the majority of New Yorkers are happy of having a thriving tourist industry, tourists must also respect the fact that not everyone is on vacation today. Council 2 know and use transportation systems public of New York City traffic is a great beast that can transform your travel of 3 blocks in a retention of 2 hours. All vehicles circulating in the grid network of streets of New York are subject to these jams, including the famous yellow cabs.


The main thing that interests people in exile in another country, it is how and where he is employed? As in his native country when seeking employment in the Czech Republic there are different methods: apply to the agency to find work, search for jobs online Internet or directly to the company. It is better to combine all of this, then the effect will be maximal. It is useful to appeal to those same immigrants, just like you. Many companies in the Czech Republic provide services for Russian-speaking people. Work in the Czech Republic has some similar trends with the Russian: the most in demand professionals with higher education, middle-aged and work experience. Of course there are differences.

To date, the Czech Republic a great demand for economists and it areas: system administrators, programmers, web-designers. Also feature in the labor market is the narrow focus of activity. If Russia is welcome, where people of all hands of a master and competence in related fields to their profession, the Czech Republic would prefer that every employee engaged in a particular case. If you know more languages, then your chances of finding work in the Czech Republic certainly increase. If you speak the Czech language, it means most of your problems for employment has been resolved. The conclusion is – if possible, learn the language before arriving in the country. However, we must noted in comparison with other European languages, Czech more similar to Russian, as belongs to the Slavic language group, so it is easier to master. If you get an education in the Czech Republic, it gives you many advantages when employment in the future.

First, excellent language skills. Secondly, the knowledge and skills that meet the standards that require employers in Europe. Third, you get a specialty that is applicable in the country. What As for Russia’s education, it is also very highly regarded in Europe and the Czech Republic in particular. However Russian diplomas must be confirmed (nostrify), and may well be that in the Czech Republic is simply no a profession that you have at home. Interesting for foreign students point is that training in the Czech Republic in the Czech language is free if you are not familiar with any language and you no higher education, you can find jobs at construction sites and factories of the Czech Republic. It’s less prestigious, but there is a legal employment, usually granted to immigrants hostel, insurance and so on. Payment out there hourly, so if a special zeal, you can earn more if you take the overtime. Among blue-collar occupations are also highly regarded professionals with experience. If you have similar skills, then great probability that the find a job and without the knowledge of Czech language. Moreover, there are several possibilities of earning extra money, which is not associated with permanent employment, but perfectly legal. For example, a customer search for intermediary companies in different areas: real estate in the Czech emigration to the Czech Republic, etc. When entering the country with one or another to you, in any case, it will need a visa to the Czech Republic. All possible types of visas to the Czech Republic are looking for more detail information on the company website News

Jlia had fifteen years and was the first time that its mother allows it to travel alone. The happiness to enter in the bus, folloied of its colleagues of the eighth series, was indescritvel. Wise person who those would be inesquecveis days. had been. But, coming back the first part of our history, Jlia was alone in the first night of the encampment. While the majority of its colleagues was namorando, it was alone, looking at for the sky. then, a thought flooded its mind: Larissa, Gisele, Renata, Juliana, Ktia hummm, the Karen also, ours, until the Karen.

All already had kissed. All. It is Jlia, is in the hour to kiss somebody. Thus, exactly believing that the first kiss of a girl had to be special, Julia it had that to be practical. It had that to kiss and it had that to be in that night. Its look covered the club in which she was camped. was Ricardo, a new boy in the school there. It is, thought.

In less than two minutes he was everything schematized in the head of Jlia: it had read in some magazines prescriptions of as to kiss, Ricardo had more or less its height, what it would not make it difficult the kiss, and the possibilities to take a rejection already had been considered. Ricardo, it comes here. Ricardo, that was lying in a bank, also looking at the sky, if approached. Following he is this, said Jlia. I never kissed and necessary to kiss. People if kiss and are together these days if to give certain gave and people are namorando, if not to give certain did not give, and people alone are in these days of encampment. is not that it gave certain? Not it namoro, but the kiss. All perfect age. The covered with star sky of the hot night, the side of the swimming pool, the long abraos that followed the kisses when the two lost the breath, the smile of Ricardo. But most important and more perfect it is that Jlia had kissed. Namoro did not give certain. But Jlia wise person who had made the certain thing. was happy for having given its first kiss in the encampment of the school.


It is clear that to make businesses by Internet it is possible to be obtained and every time many people enter world 2,0 of different forms from how making money by Internet. It is by means of the product sale of affiliates, selling your own product, a multilevel. In order to sell first they are possible to be aperturar blog or in blogger and wordpress and dedicating themselves to write referring to the product or business. One better way in my opinion to be able to sell products and/or services first is to set your personal record that is your own name to spread in the Internet your own dominion that comes the direction of how your readers can locate you ( and a service of hosting that comes to be a servant who lodges all the information that you publish in your dominion. I do not say that to have blog in the platforms of blogger and wordpress he is something incorrect but to establish a professional image to the reader a good image is due to present/display. Now one at the outset can be said, what I can write? , that to say in blog? Creme all person has something to say.

First you must decide that you can write in your own blog, must be a subject that you like and you can know it and that people look for in the Internet. The people always it looks for information likes to absorb much information that nobody always knows everything there is something new that to learn all without exception. In to this they do it case in San Google. Thus call I it for being first of the finders of information in the world to decide the suitable subject, to know the number of searches she watches in this connection, you place the number of key words there, as three word at the most or you place in google Tools key words google and the first option is the page that I talk about. In this page you can know the numbers of clicks, the competition and more options of the searches that Google compiles the search of monthly way locally and world-wide. In order to have your own mark in Internet in the subject that you want to always emphasize you must improve since when obtaining followers you must know the subject well, to invest in knowledge, to investigate more and more, to read books, in aim.

Another suggestion is that neither or you have followers not only you think about selling your product to him whatever you have, or own or affiliate. It thinks about how helping it of how gaining his confidence, contributing value in your blog. If it has more suggestions, I contribute would be brilliant to know it. I hope that he has served east article to you if he is thus comprtelo with your contacts in the social networks original Author and source of the article


The ratio, on earnings (P/E) stock price amounts to 6.03, while the price to book value ratio is 1.58. Looking at the balance of the company, there is also a very good financial situation with a good structure of debt that guards the company face short-term financial difficulties (the debt to capital ratio is 33.2%, while the ratio of long-term capital debt is 25,06%, which indicates the low level of short-term liabilities). While the company has good fundamentals that currently make attractive their roles, both by their investment plans growth prospects as well as by the actions you are performing to position itself strategically in key areas, increase its appeal in the light of the significant increase than is You can expect the profits of the company in the medium and long term. The good prospects for the future which observes Petrobras come generating the interest of a famous investor whom the market seeks to imitate almost safe profit. The day on Wednesday met the tycoon of Hungarian origin, George Soros had doubled its shareholding in Petrobras, in the last quarter of 2008, through the purchase of 16 million shares of the company listed in the U.S., reaching 1.45% of participation. With this Soros acquisition happens to be the second largest shareholder of Petrobras in the U.S. stock market.

But, why Soros is shown so interested in Petrobras? Hernan Ladeuix, head of research on oil and gas at CLSA Ltd. in Singapore, seems to have the answer: oil prices have been climbing, probably with force in the coming years. Petrobras is the only major international company whose production can grow 5% per year, we are confident. But Soros not only interested in oil that has and can produce the Petrobras, but also in the potential of the oil company to become world leader in the production of alternative fuels. In relation to this, it is worth remembering that in 2007 Soros visited by Brazil.

This visit occurred not in a casual way but a few months after the Brazilian President Lula da Silva and the President of the United States.UU. George Bush closed an agreement to promote the production of biofuels on a large scale in Latin America. At that then Georges Soros announced his intention of investing about US $900 million dollars in Brazilian ethanol plants. Clearly, Soros bet on the Brazilian oil company is not a short-term bet. For those who rely on the power of technical analysis, if you look at the share price graphs, however, is that the same is recovering its growing trend, so it the action can also provide us with profits in the short term. Both in the short and in the long term, Petrobras actions appear as an interesting investment option in a mined context of red numbers. And of course, if Soros has set its eyes on this company, something it must be. Original author and source of the article.


Acne is an ugly disease that causes distress among adolescents around the world, which is difficult to prevent. Acne occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged naturally, called sebum or oil, which promotes the growth of bacteria causing inflammation. Grains are common in the life of a teenager, although outbreaks entered the twenties and thirties are also produced. The severity of an outbreak of grains depends on several factors such as genetics, diet and hygiene. During the last half-century have developed multitude of facial cleansers, soaps and creams for people who suffered from these grains.

Benzoyl peroxide, is a chemical that has become one of the most popular treatments today, while it may irritate the skin. For those who suffer from severe cases of acne, prescription against drugs are more expensive and a laser surgery, which has become something normal, can cost a few thousand euros. There are effective natural cures for the victims of acne, but are usually ignored by the media of communication, which depend on income from advertising from pharmaceutical companies. A possible natural acne treatment is Aloe Vera. The gel of the Aloe plant contains many nice properties for the skin that help it to heal and rejuvenate. For years the plant has been used as a home remedy to treat burns, cuts and insect bites.

The same properties of the plant that help soothe a burn, will also help reduce the redness and inflammation caused by acne. Polysaccharides of long chain found in the plant gel are that help the skin to be repaired. Aloe also has large amounts of vitamin E, a vitamin, according to many, essential to have a healthy skin. Aloe acts as a mild astringent that helps eliminate excess fat and bacteria, helping also to prevent future breakouts. Although this plant will not help get rid of the grains in a night, can be as effective as many of creams, lotions and gels that are purchased from the pharmacy. The Aloe Vera plant, however, would only cost a few euros and can be found at any corner or gardening store. It is very easy to care for, it only requires a little sun and some attention. Where it is impracticable to have one, at any sale of natural products or the same pharmacies, these Aloe products, they could find in special sections.


While time passes the naval engineering industries presented new models of yachts and boats de-luxe increasingly surprised more fans, users and boaters. The superyachts fashion each year becomes stronger to the point that these are already created so that luxury, presence and operation does not affect the environment. On this occasion has been presented the Exuma, a motor yacht designed to consume less fuel and produce fewer emissions of dioxide carbon than traditional yachts engine of similar size. This yacht, who won the Green Yacht of the year in Monaco this year’s boat show, pays special attention to three fundamental principles: be sustainable, efficient and robust. With an elongated and slender hull designed for a maximum of hydrodynamic efficiency to reduce water resistance, it has a few scythes that do not require effort to rotate through the water, such as a shark stalking its prey. Designed with a concept of global exploration, has a maximum range of more than 6,000 miles at a speed of 12 knots, which is really impressive, given that it has a fuel tank with a capacity of 75,000 litres. Similarly, its owner insisted that the yacht must be equipped to go anywhere while maintaining its environmental impact lowest possible reducioendo dramatically emissions of greenhouse gases. With respect to the luxury offered by this superyate we can say that its creator were indulgent enough as it offers all possible comodidas were found on any yacht of this size. Areas of housing within yacht is designed to provide comfort for customers without the need for a strict maintenance and who spent many resources.
