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Unfortunately, I also know these three things together can not guarantee the security of my job. Maybe you can relate to my situation. If so, you may wonder what you can do to improve your future. Here are three simple things you can start doing immediately. Be thankful for home-business industry! It’s amazing in our time of change to have an industry dedicated to the people and their desire to take control of their finance and become his own boss.

It’s a blessing to have access to a tool as powerful as the Internet. If it were not for the home-based business industry, ordinary people would have no opportunity to go beyond the monotony of subordinate employment ungrateful. This may seem simplistic, but just to be grateful for this industry and open-minded approach it with enthusiasm, you’ll find your niche and maximize its potential. Be relentless. Means to be relentless in not giving up what you want to accomplish in life. Building your online business means work. There is no place for laziness in this business, and a negative attitude will crush you, even before you start. It is also important to keep the skepticism of others slower.

Not everyone will believe you can succeed with network marketing companies, and that’s fine. Maybe your spouse or partner is frustrated with you because they spend so many hours of delay on your computer goes further. Trust me, I can interact with it. The bottom line is, if something is important to you, then you will do whatever it takes to make it happen. Networking. Networking is one thing you should do if you get your business on the radar! You can do that by joining online forums such as Forum and Network Marketing Network Marketing forums. Contacts are people you go to if you do not understand something and to help you! Often, business owners suffer when we think we can manage every aspect of our business by ourselves. When setting your contacts, make sure that these people share their experiences with you and they are practicing what we preach! The experience is one of the best teachers and is more valuable than reading an electronic book on how to do something! Internet experts like Moses Pageswirl Dan and Jon Olson of Hit Exchange News provide their subscribers with their home phone numbers. That’s great because you can call home if you have a question. It is better to hear someone’s voice instead of communicating via email. Or you can work for someone else or you can work for yourself. The second option is better than the first, especially if you like to do things his way. When working for a corporate employer, you must follow the policy of employment at all times. The conflict arises when the rules do not match policy rules and is in danger of losing his job faster than expected. If you can relate to this scenario, then a home business if for you. Of course, the decision to work by itself leads to the biggest obstacle of all … .. take the initiative.


a Maicao in sight was the title of an article published by a popular magazine of national circulation. The note refers to the special surveillance by the authorities remain on general business and allegedly illegal activities take place in the city. It is important that the authorities do their duty but is also good to remember that Maicao always been targeted by someone. In the second half of the twentieth century was the target of footloose capital, whose owners came, invested and then left without saying goodbye without generating greater benefits for maicaeros. He was also in the crosshairs of those who wanted to go to the other side of the border, when Venezuela had the attraction of having one of the strongest economies on the continent and a good currency traded against the dollar.

Today the land of corn (this is the translation of a Maicaoa in native language) is back again in the spotlight. But the expression is used as never before in a sense legality destroyed their economy without offering any alternative development change, or at least survival. It is still in the crosshairs of those who pursue fighting crime and corruption. A round of applause for them, of course. But the city justice, should also be targeted by those who can contribute to their progress. is a renowned Colombian journalist and writer, a teacher linked to several Colombian universities. He is the author of four books and co-author of three others that address the topic of leadership, ethics and Human Development.


We are all born in different circumstances, that is because the decisions we make in the past, but we are not condemned to live forever in them. We can rise above them, if not repeat the things we bring to those circumstances. As Jesus said when he cured the blind, "Go and sin no more," I personally do not like the word sin, so instead I call mistakes. We made many mistakes and those mistakes have dragged us to the conditions we now live. Fortunately, the errors can be corrected, we can correct them and prevent their effects. Not only that, we can start working to build our dreams. We have spent a long time may Hibernating without going anywhere. Studying for a good job, setting up a business to survive.

But really we are committed to our dreams? Have we tried to work for them? Dreaming does not cost anything, as the saying goes, so if cost is to make those dreams come true. Then there is a difference between thinking activity in an idea and bringing that idea to reality visible and tangible. I ask you, you are sufficiently committed your life to fight for your dreams, or prefer to be the storehouse of dreams where many are saved. If there is a warehouse used to store all the desires of each individual, I'm sure would be full of unrealized fantasies. But I for my part I will not let my dreams go down the drain, since I came to this kind of knowledge, I realized that you can achieve anything you want.


Two of his close friends, ardent supporters of the theory of Franz Joseph Gall, German anatomist, that mental abilities are reflected in the physical characteristics of the skull, they decided to steal the head of the composer, to save adequately protected from worms to which was stationed in the pit of death. Through generous tip the undertaker, four days after the death, received the head. For sensitivity, we omit the details written by one of the criminals on their crime, who also quietly assumed that there was no legal impediment to appropriate what had been abandoned. Nothing important consideration emerged from the skull, or their content. Joseph Carl Rosenbaum, a former secretary of the prince, took the skull and made a small monument at home … to teach it to friends. It is reported that eleven years later, to reopen the tomb of Haydn found the body and wig, but without the head. I can not give the police with the notable relic because the skull had been hidden by Mrs.

Rosenbaum, under his mattress. After several adventures, the skull was finally at the hands of Professor Carl von Rokitansky, who put it in the anatomical museum of the University of Vienna. Finely, in 1954, 145 years after his death, the real Haydn’s skull was placed beside his body in his grave in the city of Eisenstadt, which reads: Doctor of Oxford. Devout, honest and peaceful. Master the art of enchantment of the heart.


Heckel GmbH the usual approach. Together with a group of managers were contacted IT service provider, systems looked at and compared the respective concepts. That at the end gevis RTC made the race, had several reasons. Convinced the first presentation at the ISH Fair in Frankfurt, most of the required functionality was already included in the default application and it gave for the conversion of SANGROSS to gevis already schedules and routines. The size and security of GWS, the use of meaningful also for Office products Microsoft platform DynamicsTM as well as the large number of SANGROSS professionals at the Munster-based company was also positive. Oakley: also the occasions made data transfer was important for us.

Already a day of missing access to customer and inventory seriously in trouble can give us security in this area was very important for us.” No satellites more by switching to gevis RTC is it spring 2014 at the company headquarters in Bayreuth give only an ERP system, all existing satellite applications and special programming will be switched off. The document management applications s.dok and s.can, as well as the existing software for the high-bay warehouse in Bayreuth are also integrated into the deployed enterprise-wide application. The same applies to a software, which about 25 sales customer and order data via laptop, iPhone or iPad can retrieve. Vock CEO: With the introduction of gevis RTC we continue the paperless business strategy pursued since ten years. The GWS application will help us, even further to optimize already existing segments such as electronic archiving, automatic credit check and picking.” GWS Gesellschaft fur merchandise management systems mbH was founded in 1992. Today approximately 300 employees work at the sites of Munich, Munster, Nuremberg, Leonberg, Germany.

As a Microsoft GOLD CERTIFIED Global ISV partner has the GWS themselves on innovative inventory management system and Composite solutions specializing in trade and service companies. More than 35,000 users use the GWS products. They belong to composite-oriented companies from the commercial as well as from the agricultural sector. In addition to the standard software products and standardised solutions offers the GWS industry portals and Internet shops. Comprehensive consulting services and training courses complete the range of services. the Group turnover to EUR 41.9 million amounted to 2012. The GWS conveyor and holding company for ERP systems EC, it is possible to influence product development customers. The rock-solid shareholder structure of the GWS (GAD eG Munster 54.9%, FIDUCIA IT Karlsruhe 10%, GWS promotional EC 25.1% as customer participation and minority interests of Central, for which GWS is active) potential security and sound support in operations. Contact for the press: MPM medienhaus GmbH, Division press & more Jurgen Rabea monk str. 34, 34431 Marshall mountain Tel. 02992-9785-0 fax: 02992-9785-55

News reaches the generation 50Plus with his offer. Berlin, 08.06.2010: The generation of young at heart about fifty years takes over increasingly in the field of new media the rudder. This includes also the area dominated mostly by young people, the computer games. The so-called “Silver gamer” increasingly spend their spare time on various gaming platforms on the Internet. A difference in the comparison shows with younger players: whereas among young people more 3D effects and action in the foreground, prefer the silver gamer sophisticated thinking and skill games such as mahjongg, crossword puzzle and brain training. The players want to keep mentally fit and playful and entertaining train your memory. Also the design demands on the Internet pages differ considerably from those of the young people at the seniors. The silver gamers appreciate above all clarity, ease of use, good readability and pay some euros, if they ensure no advertising or many hold the flashing menu of the game fun.

With its Internet platform the Berlin company has specialized K1010 media on this attractive and increasingly growing market segment. is offered commercial-free game play in full-screen mode without installation time or complicated settings. So the silver gamer at the memory training are not disturbed and need not be afraid, to land with a wrong mouse click on an insecure page, inadvertently to order something or himself to catch a virus. We have set ourselves aims to fulfil the needs of the silver gamer. The diversity of thought and skill games and the beautifully designed Web pages make it the mature generation easier to relax and do something for yourself and your mental health”, as Martina Misikova, Director of business development at the Berliner K1010 media GmbH. About K1010: K1010 media GmbH operates the game portal with numerous online games in full screen mode and without disturbing Advertising spots. Playing the Club members in the month competitions can win attractive prizes. The company founded in the year 2000, has celebrated its 10th anniversary in April and surprises its users with the relaunch and many new games. For more information see. Press contact: Martina Misikova K1010 media GmbH Erkelenzdamm 59-61 10999 Berlin Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 577 099 360 fax: + 49 (0) 30 577 099 369 email:


For the author we must initiate the quarrel from a problematic one: Which history? Which citizenship? It is by means of these questions that we will be able to perceive the paper of History in the formation of the citizen. According to Fonseca Forest, this reflection has left of two premises for the historian: the first one, is to think History as it disciplines educative and liberating, therefore develops the paper to form the historical conscience of the men, being made possible the construction of the identity. second is to have conscience of that the debate on the meaning to teach history is processed, always, in the interior of fights cultural politics and, then it points limits, possibilities, desires and necessities historically constructed. Valley to remember, that ‘ ‘ education of History and the construction of the citizenship assumes different configurations in the diverse contexts politicians. With the Dictatorship of 64, for example, taught history had as theoretical bedding the positivista, europocntrica and linear historiografia traditional, organized on the basis of landmarks, facts of the institucional politics in a chronological sequence causal.’ ‘ The author says. With this method of education history not only excludes the pupil of the process of construction of the knowledge, but also of the formation of citizenship, while subject social.

In summary, all the ideas descutidas here, are of extreme importance for we while future historians and educators, therefore it not only allows in them to know a little of the trajectory of the education of History in Brazil, but also it takes to reflect us it on the paper of History in the formation of the citizen. Thus, only the education of History directed toward the research, analyzes critical of the different experiences human beings and the problematizao, can guarantee a process of teach-learning of quality, compromised to the educational responsibility, politics, cultural and social of the school, that the inclusion and the rights of the citizen guarantee that they constitute a democratic society.


Thus, valley to stand out that the Brazilian Amaznia is a set of landscapes and ecologias (Ab' To know, 2005), that it understands well-known expressive biodiversity. Not obstante, the Brazilian Amaznia, so acclaimed for its natural wealth, also exhibits huge sociodiversidade, that if verifies for the occurrence of 180 aboriginal peoples, 357 remaining communities quilombolas and thousand of communities of seringueiros, messengers or babaueiros (Heck and col., 2005). In a generalized manner, Brazil is a privileged country how much to the volume of hdricos resources, therefore it shelters 13.7% of the water candy of the world. However, the availability of these resources is not uniform. More than 73% of the water available candy in the country encontrase in the Amazonian basin that is inhabited by less than 5% of the population. But 27% of the Brazilian hdricos resources are available for the too much regions, where 95% of the population of the country inhabit (Rasp, 1999).

The water availability is not only uniform, but it offers of treated water reflects the contrasts in the development of the Brazilian states. While in Southeastern region 87.5% of domiciles are taken care of by net of water distribution, north-eastern the percentage are of only 58.7% (PNSB 1989, Opas 1998). Brazil also registers high wastefulness: of 20% 60% of the water treated for consumption if lose in the distribution, depending on the conservation conditions of the supplying nets (IBGE, 2002). Beyond these losses of water in the way it enters the stations of treatment and the consumer, wastefulness also is great in our residences, involving, for example, the time necessary to take bath, the proper form as we take bath, the use of discharges in the sanitary vase that consume much water, the laudering of the ware with current water, in the use of the hose as broom in the cleanness of sidewalk, the laudering of cars etc.


Any of us after having seen Bob Proctor in the movie the secret, could imagine that in the past he was broken and full of debts, and that he cleaned floors to earn a living? Throughout its history, we have another example of how the law of attraction and the change in our thoughts always works to bring us to our life richness and abundance desired. Many believe that a change in our personal life takes a long time. He says that through his life story will help us understand that it is in fact a matter of moments which causes our lives to change. Bob Proctor tells that in 1961 he was unhappy, was sick and broken. It was in that year that the found book think and get rich of Napoleon Hill.

In the preface of this book Napoleon Hill says that there is a secret in this book and if you can’t find it you can have anything you want and at that moment the only thing Bob Proctor wanted was money I wanted to pay my debts. Receiving calls daily in relation to money that it should. I wanted to 25 thousand dollars and noticed the goal of getting them in the next 10 years. I really didn’t believe it. But in a moment of action I did what the book said.

I wrote my goal on a card and carried it with me everywhere. It was often reading all day. This provoked in me begin to think differently and stop thinking about debts. Since I started to think about wealth, I started listening to people talk about it. I was prepared to do anything honestly to earn money. Someone told me that there was good money cleaning floors. I thought, I’m not proud, I’ll start cleaning floors. I asked borrowed some money to buy a few mops, a machine to clean and started looking for offices to clean. Soon enough extras was earning $100 a month, then they were US $500, then 1000, then US $2000. Mistakenly thought the answer to make me rich was clean more and more offices. At that point he was working until exhaustion. Then a day I fell unconscious in the street. When I returned in my had a crowd of people to my around. They must have thought that he had died. They wanted to take me to the hospital. I convinced them not to do it but I knew something was wrong. I found a quiet place to relax me and thinking. It was a moment of reflection. A voice in my head said, if you can not clean all offices Bob, then not clean any of them. I got other people who clean up by my. In a relative short period of time, it was cleaning offices in Toronto, Montreal, Boston, Cleveland, Atlanta and London. Needless to say that the money began to flow. Although I left that business for many years, the concept of multiply revenues stayed in me. You must have multiple sources of income, says Bob. Visit the Blog of the secret and the law of attraction. Subscribe and download free Ebook how to attract money, love and health with your mind, according to the teachers of the secret film.


Paraguay is the only South American country that has never had sea and one of the most unequal socially. For decades the power was in the hands of a very similar elite with the official party and the stroessnerismo, and the economy has been dominated by the smuggling and arable crops (such as soy). The new Government does not seek a radical alteration of the old order but a reset. After an initial wave of support to the new President will be inevitable clashes between a rural and popular base that has expectations in a redistribution of wealth and land reform and a sector linked to previous administrations or the liberal party that only wants to modernize the Paraguayan system. All this in the midst of a Government that does not hold the control of the armed forces nor is homogeneous nor has a majority Congressman. Paraguay passes today for Mexico what lived in 2000 fell when a party that was more than six decades in power. These two countries elect their Chairmen in a single turn with what Fernando Lugo, who took 40% of the votes, is it becomes the first not colorado representative of his country since 1948. In Mexico had a monopoly of power a party that came from a left-wing revolution (PRI), while in Paraguay this held it the force that imposed the longest South American conservative dictatorship (los colorados of Stroessner).

Both the PRI and los colorados before falling were gradually shifting toward the Center; But while the first was deposed from the right dropped the second by the left. Lugo, however, not a revolutionary, but a former pacifist Bishop who wants to get along with the US and with their environment. His coalition is very heterogeneous as it includes from Marxists to Christian Democrats and centroderechistas. One of its components is the revolutionary turnout that claims the military socialist revolution of February 1936 that deposed to the domain of a third of a century of Liberals, and also this last party who holds the Vice-Presidency and who is part of the liberal international. Lugo would like to offer a stability as has the Lula or the Chilean Concertacion (whose vast Alliance as he is inspired), although it is possible that, due to the crisis in his country, large internal disparities and social pressure by major changes, Paraguay will end up being a new Bolivia polarized between very antagonistic forces.
