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The project of a spine Tedulo Lopez Melndez the 23 of January of 1958 fell the military dictatorship of Marks Perez Jimnez. The 23 of January of 2010 a multitude advanced in sense in opposition to the site where the power is located. In the end, the multitude was with speakers that did not make reference some to the problems keys that affect the Venezuelan democracy. The same behind schedule, a empecinado and stultified government, removed from grill of the television by cable to RCTV, already previously thrown of the open signal. It lead to the reaction of student manifestations in Caracas and one whichever cities of the country, manifestations that were similar an precise protest on an precise fact and, in no case, a state of popular insurrection against the present regime. The resignation of the Vice-president and his wife takes place the Minister of the Atmosphere. The regime alleged personal reasons, but it is evident that it was a rupture. The term resigns has its implications.

The renunciantes civil servants were replaced by unconditional hard. The regime resorted to loosen to its incarnated dogs of prey in the armed bands that serve to him as support, triggering, especially in the city of mortal Merida, confrontations between civilians, which at first could be seen like spyings military civil. The conclusion: mortal victims, numerous wounded, destructions wholesale, when not existing a State that resorts wisely to the use of the containment resources, or mix that them interchange or them with armed civilians. (Similarly see: Natalie Ravitz). Then, we have seen as the protests go out, with the exception of some cities of the rear area, where the causes come rather from the contantes blackouts which they are put under. Certainly, the reclamations by the closing of expression means seem, in this occasion, of shorter duration. Also, we have seen as the students have not been accompanied by the civil society that walked the 23 of January in a new action of absolutely intrascendente march, with the exception of some zones of the interior of country where frontal attacks against residential zones have taken place.


News – 20,2011 Jul DALLAS, TX The original 1967 cover art for the Amazing Spider-Man #49, by legendary comic book artist John Romita, Sr., featuring Spidey in a seemingly impossible bind between Kraven the Hunter and the Vulture, One of the major highlights of this weekend’s Comic – with convention is the premiere of the trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man in Hall H. However, after a leaked version of the trailer for Marc Webb’s reboot hit the Web on By Daily Mail Reporter She She has promised fans that there will be plenty of romance between her and co-star Andrew Garfield in the the new Spider-Man film, hinting that the pair share an current kiss. And in a new teaser trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man Spider-Man. This franchise has spanned television series, comic books, graphic novels, Halloween costumes and, of course, movies. The most recent addition to. The trailer of the upcoming Spider-Man movie The Amazing Spider-Man that was earlier leaked has now been officially released..


EasiRun Europe proves professional and social competence in dealing with COBOL the company EasiRun Europe continues to always the loving and professionally sound relationship for more than 20 years to COBOL. With experience, know-how and based on highly flexible COBOL compiler technology the Usingen IM Taunus specialists working on the perspectives for the future. 1982 I fell in COBOL, and it has never let me go,”says Don Fitzgerald, Managing Director of EasiRun Europe GmbH. In recent decades, under his leadership, the company continually expanded the technical and human competence in COBOL. Each case”is individually, appropriately, thoughtful and responsible treated.

Company profile at provides a variety of information about the central focus of COBOL: COBOL-centric development tools for masks, print, Clint/Server COBOL for Java based open source .NET and the professional and methodical competence of COBOL proves classic platforms COBOL qualifications the EasiRun team with profound knowledge of procedures, Resources and standards, combined with the awareness of dangers and risks. But as always not alone dealing with the thing,”says Fitzgerald next. If the man is forgotten, the whole expert knowledge is of no use. Therefore, we ensure that the people affected become upset and so involved. This is the best basis and provides for sustainable development.” “Under the keyword factor man” EasiRun Europe goes to the personal qualifications and settings the IT strategist, a software architect and developer. It aims to link the goals of the action of the company with the experience and values of employees and teams, and to influence the behaviour in this sense. More posts of EasiRun Europe GmbH on the subject of COBOL on the website COBOL a diamond shines in new splendour EasiRun has the alternatives for COBOL interview by Harald Lezius with Don Fitzgerald on the COBOL market some COBOL philosophy Usingen is EasiRun Europe GmbH Stockheimer track 20, August 23, 2011 61250 Usingen 06081 phone 916030 fax 06081 916049 E-Mail: Web:


Messe Husum held a moderated talk round to the future of wind energy in the framework of the HUSUM WindEnergy. Husum, September 20, 2012. Messe Husum held a moderated talk round to the future of wind energy in the framework of the HUSUM WindEnergy. Politicians, utilities and manufacturers from Germany, Denmark and China have discussed here the most important industry topics. Professor Dr. Jochen Twele, wind energy expert and Professor at the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin ran through the discussion.

Excess wind power to heat the Danish Government wants to double the share of wind energy to 50 percent by 2020. Excess wind energy should in the future consumed by low-cost electric boilers”, said wind pioneer Preben Maegaard, Director of the Nordic Folkecenter for renewable energies in the context of the discussion. Wind power is thus at least at the same price to sell as saved fuel. So far, the producers had to their excess wind electricity often at poor prices on the electricity exchange sell or turn off their equipment. Because in Denmark every year, approximately 105 terawatt-hours are needed for heating, district heating system represents a large market, to include peak power renewable energy”, Maegaard said. With wind power, the euro crisis similar to stop it sees Hans-Josef fell, Member of the Bundestag and energy spokesman for Bundnis 90 / Die Grunen.

The euro crisis is an oil crisis. Oil, gas and coal imports of euro-zone countries are more expensive than the expansion of renewable energies, and the costs of fossil fuels.” While the wind energy in Germany was the most important drivers of renewable energy supply. The euro crisis shows that it is much more expensive, to stop the energy revolution. If you turn of the energy but, a full supply with renewables in Germany is possible already in 15 years.” 40,000 Km of new high-voltage lines create the Chinese power grid because of the rapid expansion of which met with wind energy 2011 at its borders.


Digital care planning and documentation helps diverse challenges of the future master of Bremen, 31.07.2012 – Council of experts to review the development in health care is his current opinion under the title “Competition at the interface between outpatient and inpatient health care”. It predicts a rather bleak future which will be characterised by shortages, lack of professionalism and lack skills of care in Germany. Scientific typology guaranteed could consistent quality many aspects referred to critical with the introduction of a digital care planning and documentation in facilities of the acute and long-term care but be addressed”, is Dr. Jurgen Deitmers, Managing Director of the Bremen IT service provider and care specialists atacama Software, safe. A point is missing personnel and the impact on the quality of care. The Council of experts sees through the causes of the difficult staff situation in the demographic, the requirements and the required skills profiles have changed. So, more clinical special expertise would be required in the outpatient and inpatient long-term care. In the acute care are increasingly asked expertise in care for the elderly, and vice versa.

Thus increases the demand for care-scientific expertise. Reinforced will this by the justified demand for evidence-based nursing action. Our software apenio exactly the gap criticized. A nursing phenomena-based scientific typology with practice-oriented catalogs, which are based on the structure of the care process according to WHO assessment, planning, output registration, evaluation is based. ‘ Active content pipe nourishing during planning by proposing automatically appropriate inputs. As a both individualized and standardized supply is guaranteed at any time, the quality of which depends not so much by the experience of the individual caregiver”, explains Dr. Deitmers. To which of the Council of experts to promote required scientification and to align their own software, always on the current findings atacama collaborates with the Institute for public health and care research (IPP), Dept.


The current spring issue of ‘ despite philosophy ‘ is dedicated to the experts and on March 20, 2013, the current spring issue of light Wolf, magazine despite philosophy appeared professional idiots”on the subject experts. Since Easter, the booklet also as E-books for Kindle, as well as in the open epub format is available. This service is unusual for a magazine of this alignment and size, it emphasizes publishing house in the In this small publishing company from the East Frisian Hage, light Wolf, which was founded in 2002 in the context of the University of Freiburg published since 2009. “A magazine has evolved from the former student project in the past 11 years for a tiny niche: shorted to educated middle class punk”, as it describes founder and Publisher Timotheus Schneidegger.

In this spirit, also the current title topic experts will be”treated: the experts and know-it-alls are omnipresent in media and politics. The modern technocracy is attributed to Plato and as a sibling of the Theocracy debunked quite like the example of Gynecology shows the relationship of domination and science. Why Ulrich Horstmann in art experts saw the biggest enemies and Denigrators of art is discussed as well as the questions whether and how one should live as a philosopher and what is a Word. The entertaining essays on the subject are reviews, satires with aphorisms, and fascinating stories loosened up and hand-drawn illustrated what it’s tradition in the light of Wolf. A large audience has never found the light Wolf and finds it not, explains Schneidegger, on seeing his blade into the niche between joke and Weltschmerz. “It does not bother him that other independent small magazines are known as the Wolf of light, although they left behind in terms of continuity, profile focus and openness to the new electronic reading culture behind him: we make the light Wolf, because we can, not to conquer anything.” End of the light Wolf will participate in the Mainz mini press fair, on the all two Years of book artists, small publishers and underground magazines gather. Shortly thereafter, the new edition is published just in time for the beginning of summer on June 20. The theme of the summer issue is the #@ % *! Of God”and thus fits this unusual magazine project.

-Light Wolf magazine despite philosophy. “Issue No. 41 (1/2013), theme: expert Paperback (DIN A4), 80 pages, ISBN 9783941921252, March 2013, price: 7.80 euros, subscription from 26.80 euros – the light Wolf calls himself also magazine despite philosophy”, was established in 2002 in Freiburg. The magazine appears advertising free and independent as book and E-book quarterly with a specific theme. The Wolf of light turns in the spirit of the Fin de siecle, with essays, portraits and debates on young scholars: In the 2009 publishing the light Wolf (magazine despite philosophy”, ISSN 1614-8037) appear as well as the books of its authors.


Interesting home textiles good quality bed linen from Maco satin, damask bed linen and satin Swiss have their price. This realizes the user especially if bed linen or towels were washed several times. Are the seams is warped, the goods became hard and unpleasant? In high-quality home textiles this may be not the case. Bed linen and tablecloths can be as easy or hard iron, towels stay beautiful fluffy. And particularly strong fashionable colors remain long. Mainly there are three ranges in home textiles: bed linen, tablecloths and towels such as towels. The range of bedding including fitted sheet taking the largest share. Looking at the theme bed linen now more precisely, you will inevitably different grades, in which bedding is manufactured.

These can be for example satin, Swiss satin, damask, or even simpler kind of like seersucker. High-quality bed linen should always all the aforementioned are pure cotton Qualities consist of pure cotton, the best cotton at brand bed linen. Cotton is is fine and smooth, yet durable. Now, the cotton in different manner to material can be processed. You get a particularly smooth and dense goods in satin, with large differences in quality between Maco satin and Maco satin. A decisive factor is certainly the tightness and the amount of cotton, which is processed on one square centimeter.

Often that reveals itself even with the naked eye. Is the satin fabric slightly translucent or very tight? At the latest after the first wash, but then every layman can detect the result. Where little material on one square centimeter has been processed, the product is strong and above all unevenly. High-quality Maco Satin Bed linen is only about 3-5% and retains a uniform shape with straight seams, even after several washes. A level is fine and elegant Swiss Satin Bed linen. This is finer Cotton weaves together as in Classic Satin. Swiss satin bedding is not only fine, but at the same time slightly shiny and wonderful tightly woven. Nevertheless or precisely why it remains exclusive Baumwollware very hautsympatisch and good absorbent – very pleasant in the summer! Simple indication of the exclusivity of Swiss satin: no discount offered by Swiss Satin Bed linen. Good stuff has just its price. While smooth satin and Swiss satin sheets are dyed and printed, damask bed linen characterised by elegant typically small and even woven pattern. Often you can find small flower patterns or playful tendrils. But also elegant strips are very nice to look at. Since the patterns are woven and not printed, arise very beautiful iridescent gloss effects on the damask bed linen or on the damask tablecloth, which can impact always different depending on the light. Easy to understand that the price is also often with the kind of pattern in connection: ever playful and geographical patterns, the manufacture of the substance is more expensive. Higher prices not only through better basic goods, but often also due to a more expensive or unusual pressure pattern produces printed bed linen. The collections of the famous German brand-name manufacturers design Designer. This speaks of exclusivity and relevance in color and pattern. Still the respective trader sets a last accent in the composition of the price. He provides detailed expert advice by trained personnel? It offers extra service? Consulting and service want to be paid of course. For this the customer can ensure however, having acquired the right bed linen in a great design and high quality.


To find a key emergency services in Stuttgart is pretty easy, but who is looking for a confidence-inspiring and yet inexpensive, the need to invest more time. If the pitch hits, dropping the door must often heavily long in the Pocket, because many companies charge relatively high prices, only a few locksmith services in Stuttgart offer decent conditions and convince with your performance. In actual performance even the arrival and the departure of the customer are be paid, which accounts for only for some. If you need help late at night, should observe the business hours of the emergency, because who is helped outside the opening hours, must pay supplement often up to 200 percent. To avoid this case, making a good and convenient key emergency services in Stuttgart wonder certainly. A good locksmith trusted advertising is characterized by a positive word of mouth. Customers provide positive feedback and tell their colleagues or to review key service on the Web. It has been shown that black sheep make exceptionally much ads.

Unsuspecting customers fall on the newspaper ads and Internet pages. A reputable locksmith in Stuttgart is characterized so as well by a well-kept home page. Who wants to go to play it safe, which should look up definitely before, if time allows. Right to a bill allowing not over the ear cut you themselves. Trusted service providers always write an invoice. It is also an absolute must.

Travel must be assigned out individually, in case they exist. So, keep track of the customer and is not led astray. Helpfulness and customer service on the phone first data should be exchanged. Inquire about the business hours and the expense for a possible change of the door lock. Good service providers are friendly and respond to the wishes of the customer. In the event that you do not by the Locksmiths are convinced, looking rather a different service provider.


Clinical manifestations The manifest torcica endometriosis – clinically for symptoms of cyclical occurrence generally in the two first days of the menstruation. It more frequent affects the pleura and the fabric pulmonary subpleural, disclosing as pneumotorax and hemotorax catameniais (73% and 14% of the cases, respectively). Pneumotorax associated to the endometriosis is esteem that it represents 2,8 5.6% of all pneumotorax spontaneous in the women. More rare, the illness occurs exclusively the level to intrapulmonar, disclosing for hemoptises (7% of the cases) or assintomticos pulmonary nodules catameniais (6%). Pain frequent torcica and, affecting 90% of the sick people. The rarer dispnia and, being related only in one tero of the cases. The incidence of the pleurais and parenquimatosas injuries, although to be able to occur bilaterally, seems to be more frequent of the right side.

Distinguishing diagnosis Before I diagnosis assuming it of torcica endometriosis, will have to be excluded some patologias with similar symptoms. For the pulmonary endometriosis, I diagnosis it differential must be made with recurrent patologias that cause hemoptises, nominated tuberculosis, bronquiectasias, neoplasias and syndrome of Goodpasture. I diagnosis it differential of pneumotrax includes pneumotrax spontaneous elementary school, pneumotrax spontaneous secondary for other etiologies and pneumotrax for trauma. It is called, however, the attention for the fact of pneumotrax catamenial to be able to occur without being associated to the endometriosis, being presumably caused by the air ticket of the feminine genital treatment for the peritnio and from there for the thorax through the defects congenital in hemicupula diafragmtica right. Diagnosis the key for it I diagnosis of this pathology and the catamenial character of the symptoms. Pneumotrax, hemotrax or hemoptises coincident with the menstruation must be suspected of torcica endometriosis in women in age fertile who appear with a clinical picture of recurrent episodes of pain torcica. The confirmation generally diagnosiss and difficult to get (less of one tero of the cases).


Increasingly we can see how organizations need a more integrated and consistent communications. The new advertising media, new uses of conventional media, new technologies and the great need for companies to communicate with their audiences have consistently made this concept of communication 360 the cornerstone of different communication strategies that lead to out most of the organizations. The need for direct communication and integrated is more palpable than ever in these times of information society in which consumers are increasingly prepared, have more options and looking for products that satisfy their needs effectively. When we’re talking 360 communication to join all efforts by companies to communicate with their audiences in all areas gives us the panorama of today’s communication, either through conventional advertising, interactive or online advertising. Campaigns communication to be carried out must be orchestrated in unison, serving as support to each other and positioned our company in a clear in the minds of consumers. There are many ways in which we can reach our target and to a large extent, the image of our company have much to do with how we use different communication tools to deliver our message. In today’s society is not sufficient as some years ago to conduct a good communication of what we sell and where consumers can find it at present should communicate what we sell, where we sell, how and where we produce, under what conditions , how we distribute it, who are your customer, satisfy needs, both physical and psychological.

All these questions make the concept of communication 360 on something fundamental in building a great brand in today’s markets, increasingly globalized and internationalized and open to a wide range of consumers with distinct cultures which are moved by motives and needs of very different nature. Thanks to technological advances experienced in the field of strategic communication, diversity of media at our disposal and the consideration of creativity as an asset within organizations have developed numerous advertising techniques such as online advertising, advertising mobile, which is currently in the process of expansion, gaining ground every day and showing the great qualities as a technique that provides advertising, search engine optimization, Google Adwords program, which allows SMEs with limited resources to make communication efficient online advertising campaigns with a budget based on the minimum cost per click, sponsors increasingly unlikely or the production of short films by specific brands for the sole purpose of enhancing their brand image in the marking. Another communication tool important today are the Blogs. We can see how big multinationals create corporate blogs where they have informed their customers of all the latest offers, promotions … by establishing a channel of direct communication with public and being closer to these through the network. Obviously the trend is to grow, to move from conventional advertising agency for interactive where all departments are fully integrated and provide their customers, once and for all services consolidated, integrated advertising and communications. It is becoming more noticeable as the large agencies of our country are becoming aware of this phenomenon and are creating and integrating specialized departments in their offices on the latest trends in the advertising landscape as Coolhunters experts in viral marketing, online advertising, search engine optimization … I sincerely believe that Carl Laemmle of Universal Pictures was deeply wrong when he said back in 1931 “believe me, try to get the public to swallow advertising and overwhelm your eyes and ears with it will cause a rejection that eventually compromise their business.
