Author: <span>Anton</span>

Key findings of the study ‘ the store locator on the test what do online retailers do this?’ A central result of the study the Shop Locator watch what my online retailer to? is that most of the shop operators with their default search are not satisfied and 75% think it absolutely necessary, to employ an optimized or intelligent search in their shop. Those shop owners who already do this, majority report higher customer satisfaction and an increased conversion rate and more sales. Brian Armstrong shines more light on the discussion. Deep ergehender to look at this exciting topic, the E-Commerce Guide team when Gero Luben from exorbyte, the provider of an intelligent product search for online shops, has requested. The results are now published in a detailed expert interview. One of the reasons why the search for online retailers can be a key driver of sales, including linked on Google and co. Because by Google the Internet users it has become accustomed, just about the Search function to search and not long to click through the navigation. Thus, the search in online shops is also one of the most commonly used entry doors and features. The Hayzlett Group can aid you in your search for knowledge.

Gero Luben know: that through Google and co. generated expectations for normal surfing, quickly and simply find it also on the online stores transferred. The functions forced by various search engines, such as E.g. the auto-suggest to be added. The user has become accustomed to dealing with the auto-suggest and takes it as compelling comfort true even in an online shop.

The search function has gained immensely in importance. Here, the user moves. This, the user wants to come to his desired product quickly and easily. And so the search is extremely relevant to sales.” As an example of Mr Luben, an online retailer was able to increase sales overnight by 6%, only because he had checked the smart product search. What about finding a product is relevant to online retailers, can in the full interview with Gero Luben from exorbyte “to be read at the following link: interview-shop-the study search the shop on the bench” to do this, see the following link: shop-search


PROJECT MORE EDUCATION School Helena Maria? Ananindeua Par Prof. Lucas Rasps Pupil: Lidiene Camila B. Coast? 2* year B GLOBAL HEATING Stops and Reflects: Tomorrow the global heating can not exist is a subject that we must argue ' ' hoje' ' , therefore he is something that is growing disorderedly as we can see in the medias, for all the places that we look at we saw ambient catastrophes with annihilating and irreparable effect, and the trend is to be still worse if not to start to take care of of our planet. The ignorance is taking account of this society that if that says so developed and so modern, but that it does not have the capacity to stop and to reflect its hypocritical action iram to bring devastadoras consequences for future generations that will not have the chance to see and to admire the natural beauties that its planet possesss. ' ' I know that of the one not to change the past, but if each one to make its part we will change futuro' ' EFFECT GREENHOUSE AND GLOBAL HEATING Pupil: Ingrid Lorrayne Frank Diniz? 2* year B the effect greenhouse and the global heating are controversial subjects that would have to be argued, to be thought and reflected for all so that a solution was found, therefore are things that happen in today, but the people treat as if it was thing of the future who do not affect in our day the day. The consequences of these problems caused for the proper irresponsibility and indifference of the man already had started to appear with floods of a side and dry of the other, fire in the forests constantly. As many things that they would have to be prevented by in such a way free spontaneous will how much for law, therefore if the alone man does not obtain to help proper and the population itself, the government could make with that it enxergasse the problem and was obliged to act thus did not harm the nature as, for example: the prohibition of the gas release methane in the cold storage rooms, also forbidding to the use of products and provisions that liberate gas CFC. ' ' Unnecessary fires and deforestations in the forest, if each one of us we made our part already it would help very and. It thinks, what we are making with the place where we live, we are preserving this place ' '


Web pages must be designed not only for the eye. When creating Web pages, it is very important to decide who is responsible for what. One of the critical questions is, who decides what your Web page will look like: you are there, your Web Designer or both? Some customers have already a clear idea how your website should look like and are just looking for someone who translates the design. Other clients, however, don’t have them and expect the full design of the design for your Web site by your Web Designer. Design serves a purpose always the problem is, if a Web page only because of the appearance was developed, but in addition has been no further thoughts. The design should always serve your website.

What your Web page will look like, should be always depending on what you want to achieve with your website. In most cases, it comes to attract a specific target group, so you develop not a Web page for yourself, but for the potential users. If is the visitors on your website cannot find cope, the design has failed. In this case, the Web page must be designed once again and the whole process begins again. Design should be a process to distance its itself from the own preferences and is unique and is no easy task to focus solely on the user. Coinbase describes an additional similar source. That’s why a good design should be carefully planned. The better the Web Designer, this process is the better. Nevertheless you come up financially for this work, which is why the work should keep from your site in the borders.

As described above, a well thought-out design reduces the chances on a failure. Who should decide on the design of your site? Wrong design is more expensive than most would expect people: converted the loss of missed sales and visitors cracked off is higher much, than the cost of one from the outset of perfectly crafted Web page. Therefore the task concerning the definition of the design to the person with the best practices, should be what the determine of optimum design concerned, be transferred. This must not necessarily be your Web Designer, because some on the programming focus. However, this should have at least in most cases, more knowledge and experience in this area than you. Ultimately it depends on what you hire their Web Designer: only to their design ideas to implement, or to design the design? The important aspect that you should take from this article on your way, is that you should apply a procedure for the design of your Web site, which focuses on your prospects. So long, this criterion is met, it is not integration, whether now you the Web designer sets or decisions with regard to the design. Be honest, if you think the question: who is better suited for this activity, you are there or the designer? How to get paid too much for the Web page: download our free guide down, which equips with knowledge and information so that they can knock out a reasonable price for your next online project. Now available free of charge on. John Mayer


Today I will talk about one of the amulets, or a trick, or name that has to decide between various loves. Many times we have several people who we want and who we want, but we do not know to make the right decision. Some time ago they told it me so today I it will tell me. You take three pieces of paper. In each of the pieces you write 3 names of people that you are interested in knowing what you feel. When have you written the names the doblas well. You can move them to not knowing which is which. One of the roles you must put it under her pillow, another put it somewhere in the room that you like and the other put it on the windowsill.

Five minutes later it’s time that you look at them. Which is under the pillow is the love that you should, that you always want. That is in the room is that you want but your relationship has no future. The window is the person that you don’t want and that in the long term will give you trouble. Why you love friends? Sure that you have clear has left the name you were expecting? Author original and source of the article


In recent years, the fish waste of EU fleets reached new records. Shortly before Christmas 2008, the EU fisheries ministers cut down a little Christmas for the cod decision: they agreed on an increase in the quota for North Sea cod by 30 percent to 28,800 tonnes for 2009. With this fishing Christmas gifts the eradication of one of the most important fish in Europe should be decided. At the same time, the EU Council of Ministers initiated first steps against the by-catch, can comprise up to 80 percent of the total prey of a trawler. Future no marketable fish should be thrown back at least in theory, more in the sea. While the called discard ban applicable only to the North Sea is welcomed by sea advocates as a first step, it hails sharp criticism against the irresponsible increase in the cod quota, a kowtow to the fishing lobby. Warnings from scientists, environmentalists and the Commission were once again largely ignored by the Fisheries Ministers. Sea protector hold the Increase in the cod quota only for justified if implemented from January 1, in addition to the prohibition of discarding also safeguards for juveniles and the fishermen use new, more selective nets, which is not the case.

The new quotas will according to the society for the rescue of dolphins accelerate over-fishing of the seas and destroy an important source of food in the long run. In recent years, the fish waste of EU fleets reached new records. People such as Brian Armstrong would likely agree. 2007 North sea fishermen who landed 24,000 tonnes of cod and threw at the same time 23,000 tons overboard. Actually, the EU wanted to lower the rear roll rate this year to 10 percent of the total catch. Indeed, it has grown according to estimate by scientists.

Currently, more cod is thrown away as on land. According to defective controls and predatory fishing methods are basic. The overall rate of return throw within the EU is around 30 percent, is likely to be due to rampant illegal fishing in reality however much higher. EU fishermen may only such fish market, for which they have a quota. All other fish, edible or not, be disposed of in the sea. Whether on board or not, the result remains the same: the fish are dead in any case. A complete ban on discards, as it was imposed by Norway, for example, wants the EU for the future only “check”. Therefore, environmental and marine protection organisations demanding a fundamental reform of the EU quota system. The catches laid down annually by the Fisheries Ministers are far away from reality. Because the millions of tons fish, going pointless again after catching overboard, show up in any statistics. Ulrich Karlowski


Correctly put in scene with In the vernacular, it means: it all depends on the inner values. “But in the search for partners on the Internet appearance no matter irrelevant. The online portal shows how the personality can be underlined with an individual photo. True to the motto if you like yourself, is loved by others”is considered the most important criterion when choosing a picture: you should like yourself. Just one’s own profile image should be attention. What is even the best like one, should be pushed for the online Flirt in the right light. If you are unsure, it is recommended to ask friends and family for advice.

Always face in the focus should be on the profile picture. More facets of the own person be linked to best other photos to the best advantage. Here hobbies in the foreground are moved away, travel photos or recordings are shown in attire. It is important only to Audition potential acquaintances no wrong facts: therefore it is important that a current picture to choose. To dissuade is unfavourable poses. No one will fall for a couch potato with a pack of ice cream or a bottle of beer. Because the focus is on the users, should be avoided also group photos with the club or the colleagues. Party pictures are just as inappropriate.

To be visible, is a vertical aspect ratio of advantage. The image should not be taken up also from excessive distance. Also the background should be chosen so that it does not distract from the main person. Last but not least: A nice smile promotes contact and enchants the opposite. More information: 11/advice.html contact: Tilo Sommer University first media GmbH barefoot streets 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59


But they had perpetuated themselves in the power per 21 years. They had been unhappy, even so colonel Jarbas Passarinho has insisted for the permanence of the Military Regimen. What it is an unhappy attitude of its part. The error of some does not justify that all come to pay for its errors. Today we have that to think about modernizing the thought of our Armed Forces so that they they always defend the Democratic State of Direito.Tambm if it makes necessary to think about modernizing our Armed Forces in armament, since Colombia, Chile and Venezuela see acquiring Russian and American airplanes, tanks and metal rings. The Cold War already finished makes time. But our neighbors are if seting until teeth. our Armed Forces need to buy new and modern equipment to balance the situation in Latin America.

the modernization of the Venezuelan Armed Forces unbalancing dominant forces in the South America as Brazil that not yet acquired its new supersonic huntings is a preoccupying factor. Therefore, it is enough to look culprits in the past. We have that to look at the future so that the new generations can live safe in its homes. In interview to the Brazil Agency, the secretary affirmed that country must have pride of the Armed Forces. In entando, it defended the punishment for torturadores and estupradores that had committed crimes during the dictatorship. According to Vannuchi, president Lula it will decide the impasse. The military commanders complain because, according to them, the decree excluded from new inquiries the crimes committed for the militant ones of left. This affirmation of the Secretary of Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic does not decide the question that is hanging.

The revocation of the decree for the president of the Republic will only pacify the Armed Forces. Is necessary coherence and good sense so that the problem does not generate an institucional crisis. The delivery of the positions for the military heads and the Minister of the Defense Nelson Jobim created estopim for the crisis. But president Lula who is old monkey and is experienced did not accept. According to it the decision on the subject will have to be for April. Because April I do not know. Perhaps it wants to gain time to decide the imbrglio. We go to wait to see in what it goes to give. With certainty Squid it will decide this pendency with the Armed Forces and the Brazilian left with altivez and responsibility that is what all civil society organized and the people wants.


Perfect finish is a matter of the filler-free surface of Heilbronn, August 2010. Tuner and collector of classics look carefully: you want in your vehicle’s paint surface micro-scratches nor annoying hologram, in which refracts the light of summer 2010. For the Heilbronner car care expert Rolf Schontag wrong polishing technique stands often. Polishes with a filler can never lead to a perfect result”white beautiful day. “Finishing on the right, it is.” The lacquer finish of a car often resembles a mountainous region seen under the microscope: weather conditions have created here rough structures. Each amateur paint care reflected in ravines from micro scratches. Conventional polishes grind mostly the peaks and fill the valleys with wax. The Hayzlett Group pursues this goal as well. The gloss, which arises when such paint treatment, is deceptive.

Although the smooth polished wax layer reflects the light, but especially in dark paints bizarre hologram effects reveal the real nature beneath the surface. Professional car preparer and tuning experts access first to special Abrasives such as, for example, the quick grinding paste CP035 the CLEAN extreme care series of clean products. Only when all irregularities on the varnish are really balanced, you may start with the actual polishing process”, warns care professional fair day. In the next steps, he recommends to create a perfectly smooth finish gloss grinding polishing and then grinding high lustre. Finally comes the synthetic long term sealing used which protects the paint from the next attacks by dust, sand, stones, light and weather. This seal was but no optical good Dyer, emphasized beautiful day but protect only the perfectly prepared paint including. The specially developed CLEAN for car collectors and tuner extreme products Heilbronner Cleancompany ambitious users to provide the know-how gained from the professional car preparation.

We bundle our product sets EXTREME CLEAN “PolierSystem-BOX all the experiences we have gained in their own care farms over the years”, says Rolf Schontag. Thanks to the enclosed perfectly matched polishing sponges, different hardness and a detailed care instructions also home users professional results.” Also when the paint care who has refined his individual car with much effort and attention to detail to a real unique, searches for the uncompromising solution. The care series CLEAN extreme of clean products a press photograph helps with the perfect preparation for the brilliant ride through the late summer 2010 news photo material (free of charge) (300 dpi) download is available under: page5/page17 / gloss rather than deception: grinding polishing lacquer is really smooth and reflects the sunlight without holograms from all perspectives. Photo: Cleancompany press contact: press compact Bernd Eilitz, Tel.: 040-4128 5807, E-Mail: CLEAN PRODUCTS a division of the CLEANCOMPANY System Center GmbH Stuttgarter Strasse 101 D-74074 Heilbronn Tel.: 07131 94 15 18 fax: 07131 94 15 20 CLEAN PRODUCTS a division of CLEAN COMPANY System Center GmbH cleaning, care, and repair systems for the automotive market for 21 years, “Strikingly different” focuses on CLEAN PRODUCTS with polishes – Paint Sealant – varnish – gloss finish – car shampoo protect – lambskins rims cleaner – engine cleaners – cleaners – glass cleaner – plastic care – micro-fibre technology – FLEX polishing machines – polishing sponges – – pads – ex cent er polishers – grinding equipment – vacuum cleaner – odor neutralization equipment – endoscopes – diagnostic equipment – air conditioning-cleaning machines – steam – adhesives – dent technology – workplace lighting – cleaning AIDS – Tornador – spray bottles – compressed air – tools – special products hologram testers Lacquer drying device using Symach drying lamp Drytron accessories… If quality, fast and easy processing is important!


GmbH will present the engineering – and Fertigungsdienstleister the Euskirchener Steel in motion on the Logimat 2012 for the first time to make safe a newly developed module system, the high-bay warehouse. In high-bay warehouses are crashes, Hangetraumata and even deaths of the order of the day. To change this, the Euskirchener Steel in motion GmbH at the Logimat presents 2012 an innovative modular system of maintenance in Stuttgart, with the maintenance of high-bay warehouses can be not only safer, but also more efficient. The time savings is the maintenance of shelf controls with our system around 70 percent”, said Udo Adriany. The Managing Director of steel in motion GmbH emphasizes that his company’s solution minimizes the maintenance-related accidents. New safety modules also reduce maintenance costs by eliminating expensive shutdowns of the warehouse operations.

Also eliminates the re-timing of stock material, speeding up procedures. Safely and efficiently the Modulsytem of engineering – and Fertigungsdienstleister consists of two Elements which are adapted to the respective high storage area. The first is firmly installed in stock. The second element of security is flexible and can be used in the entire warehouse area. Thus there is per storage area only a set. After it is installed, the logistics and warehouse personnel can perform quickly and safely the inspection and maintenance work on pulleys and other consumables are the stock machines. Engineering and manufacturing partner for industrial companies has the steel in motion GmbH design and production expertise of 110 employees.

For the customers of the Euskirchener engineering and Fertigungsdienstleisters who come from industries such as packaging, special mechanical engineering, automation technology and the machine tool sector, production equipment, machines and special solutions are designed and implemented. In addition, the team around Managing Director working Udo Adriany, a graduate mechanical engineering and industrial engineering, worked closely with universities and technical colleges, the State-of-the-art secure.


The family of Eluana Englaro takes more than ten years struggling to fulfill a wish. Disconnected machines, let my daughter die, keep a little dignity, he has not stopped repeating over and over again his father, Giuseppe, before Italian justice without obtaining the expected response. Continue to learn more with: Jeffrey Hayzlett . Berlusconi’s Executive has forbidden it through a circular that it affects the entire country. However, Mercedes Bresso, President of the Piedmont, has shown himself willing to that in one of the health centers in their region carry out the disconnection of the probe that provides food to Eluana and keeps it alive since 1992. For the Englaro is glimpsed a light at the end of the tunnel.

Last January 18 met 17 years since a traffic accident while returning home at dawn, postrara forever to Eluana in a bed of religious clinic Beato Talamoni of Lecco, near Milan, where resides with the care of the Misericordine nuns. Since then, 38-year-old has remained in irreversible vegetative state and without being able to articulate Word before the controversy over his situation. Voice that has been returned through her father to undertake a legal battle against the Government to give to his daughter what he considers a dignified death. The debate in Italy is served. In November 2008, after several failed attempts, the Supreme Court gave reason to the woman’s family and authorized the withdrawal of her artificial feeding. But the difficulty in finding a hospital that accede to facilitate his death did nothing more than dilate waiting. It was then, when the Health Minister defied justice in mid-December with the sent an order to all the Italian regions which forbids all public hospitals that any act of euthanasia is carried out on its premises. With the offer of the Piedmont circumstances have suffered a new rudder twist. It has not asked us anything, but if we are asked there would be no problem, he has assured Bresso from Brussels, after his meeting with the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Durao Barroso.
