Author: <span>Anton</span>

When you begin a debt management plan, counselor will work with your credit to freeze or reduce interest and lower payments. This new contract will be approved and the creditor will begin to accept these new payments how current and accepted. All previous late payments will still be on your credit but once you are out of debt and able to be free of the burden of massive debt, then you can start working on the restoration of his credit. It really is a matter of concern to your credit later, if you are already in serious debt trouble. Existing accounts and a plan to address those previous shots.A bankruptcy would kill your credit as you would charge offs, intakes of possession and the trials that are such a good alternative.

Consolidation of deudMucha people confuse these terms and in actuality can mean two different things. What you need search is the terms of the program. Are you looking to reduce their fees because you is in financial trouble or you are looking to lower your total debt and to have a payment, a fee. Debt consolidation may be, consolidate all your debt into a debt management plan as described above or consolidating your debt into a new prestmo. That is the key here.

A new loan means that you probably still have good credit but you do you is paying too much when you add all their loans up, especially in view of their separate interest rates. In this case, a new loan can be the perfect program for you type. You may want to consolidate 5-6 card payments of credit into one with a payment, a fee. It simplifies everything and it can save you a ton of cash! Some programs debt management also called their plans of the debt forgiveness, consolidation because you are consolidating their accounts in a new plan so that be sure that you know what kind of building you’re talking clean my credit.


Meanwhile the curious parents and amongst pupils and other people if congregated next the school sperando the balloon that would arrive the three fifteen. Meanwhile many people even arrived of other villages and of cidadezinhas of seven the nine a thousand inhabitants. When giving three hours the professors had announced. – It is with joy that we announce the winner of the best production that presented: Geography and a good form of if explaining the studies with clarity and of form that well was stipulated or argued. Severino is the winner! Severino is wise person who that age a dream or was happening, it only thought about the flight and as he would be. I followed to humble palco mounted for that manifestation.

If it derijiu to palco and it was to be thankful the all for representing auqela area. – Gentlemen professors and coordinators and all here present thank I them for my merit and being chosen representing to them. Three and fifteen arrived a great balloon that colored the Northeast with coloration of the American flag, the scholars presented vestments, clothes with the Brazilian flag. When going down immediately afterwards all capsize that it did not have no translator, but surprises were only starting. The Americans had said something that nor the professors had interpreted but the father of Severino Mr. Sebastio if raised he answered and them, all impressed had been therefore it never had commented nor with the familiar ones that it wise person if to communicate in English. Severino with the biggest pride asked for to the father who disesse that it would be the pupil who it would help the Americans in the mapping and the work in the balloon. But in the hour that its father ouvu it to say looked at it to balloon with that look You did not say me to have balloon But she said to the extrangeiros.


It would not be either of application the theory of the Convergence, because the one that owns common interests does not mean that necessarily all the group has a homogenous conduct. Those were a few that carried out the revenge by the murders and not all the town of the Ejido. What yes it was infected went the justification to the act. The theory of the Contagion can, by as much, to serve to explain the contagion of values but cannot explain the conduct of the mass. Therefore, to explain the behavior of this group of the Ejido, we could make use of the theory of the Theory of the social identity (Tajfel-1971). The tendency is demonstrated to favor to the member of the own group, through the categorisation, comparison of the social identity. The necessity to obtain positive a social identity is the one that causes that we try to differentiate positively to our group with respect to others. If in the comparison process our group leaves favored, we left favored, we obtain positive a social identity.

In the Ejido, exists on the part of the villagers a necessity to maintain positive an identity social to guarantee a positive distintividad of the own category against the others the immigrants by means of a continuous process of competition between groups and categories, which would explain that integration in society of the group of immigrants is not considered absolutely, having maintained a clear distinction between both communities within the same town. In this line of car-categorisation, we found Reicher, that from the reformulation of its initial expositions on this concept, from Theory of car-categorisation of J. Turner (in 80), it happens to speak of made Model of Social Identity (ESIM), emphasizing that the mass events are characterized for being intergroup relations and that, like such, the social identity of the members of the mass and its actions are going to depend on the dynamic ones of these relations.
