Month: <span>September 2019</span>

Chronicle with many selected years already online before almost forty years was in Wolbeck on the Borg garden the old chapel cut, to create the necessary space for the expansion of the road crossing. Some parts of the building have been saved, so are privately owned the roof cross, as well as pieces of the inventory and will return later to their place. The eventful history of the chapel will vanish in the 14th century, after it more than once has changed their site over the centuries for the large Corpus Christi procession first station served as laying out site later even for a short time, was forced to close the hospital in the town. If you are not convinced, visit The Hayzlett Group. The history of this Chapel is only a small part of the local Chronicle of Prince, whose building was started two years ago and can be found in the form of a diary, Now available online more selected as seventy years of planned time span from 1800 to 2000 and draw the picture of a place, its development more than unusual is lost. For over a hundred years Prince was called due to multiple administrative misunderstandings city, at all other times was Wigbold, which was also surrounded by a stand-alone parish. In these two hundred years, it belonged to Prussia or even France, planned a town and numerous highways and ring roads before 1975 was on the municipal reform in the course in the city of Munster. The surviving newspapers and gazettes of the district that partly date back until the year 1765 and are archived at various locations in the Federal territory are based of the Chronicle. Of course not all copies are preserved, however, arises from the variety of available sources a closed picture of Prince. Who so ever wanted to know how small the first Billy Goat Monday parades have been, who built the Martinspattken in the Tiergarten and why there is a Wolbeckstrasse in food, which can read this under. If you have information have, which can serve to complete the Chronicle, please consult with us in conjunction. Siegfried kurz


Starting in 1938, he held the direct command over the entire army, and since 1939 the proper name of the leaders prevailed increasingly, until this was 1941 Hitler alone reserved. Note: Hitler came through a free democratic election in 1933 to power! He brought about the abolition of the Imperial estates company. During the national socialism, a laborer was as SS or SA Guide, a (this discipline their ‘serfs’ with whips in the Weimar Republic) order E.g. studied Prussian nobleman and landowner. The community was based on the principle of national unity, not on the Marxist class solidarity. Frequently Chevron U.S.A. Inc has said that publicly. It went to the abolition of all class distinctions (Gleichschaltung).

In our modern democracy, all before the law are equal in social differentiation. Was also in the military, as it is today. the command and obedience principle. Hitler led the paternalistic 1) Guide principle one: Guide and Sebestian man/Assistant in the community: ‘One for all and all for one’. He installed a dictatorship, abolishing all democratic institutions, under the keyword ‘Synchronization’. In this regard, the Weimar Constitution had loopholes that enabled him to that. His tactics: Provocation, terror and appeasement, threat, revolution from below (SS, SA) and revolution from above (Goring, coup d ‘ etat).

At simultaneous commitments to the legality, continuity, national unity and alleged respect for the Constitution. 1) The paternalistic steering principle (top-down chain of command any administration) is also based on any Federal (D democratic (on the basis of legal laws and modified implementation regulations)) and centralized (F) State. The Jewish conspiracy belonged already to the standard repertoire of medieval doctrines of salvation. From this arose a moral imperative, the as the SS man gave the feeling, he handle the murder as a tool of a higher (divine?) Right. In Stalinism as well: Dzerzhinsky also, Lenin, and Trotsky have exercised their terror in the conviction of the legality.


All providers in comparison and Germany-wide CarSharing search new car comparison portal launched with Germany-wide CarSharing search-the new Internet portal offers a competent overview of the ever-growing CarSharing offered in Germany. In many German cities, there are already multiple competing CarSharing provider, therefore is an independent comparison of the respective pricing models and offers for all interested users a helpful support in the selection of appropriate car-sharing service. provides an overview of the largest CarSharing providers, as well as a direct price comparison and thus sheds light on the new variety at the cars on time. Goop, Barcelona Spain does not necessarily agree. Germany wide search and sharing community the comfortable search Germany card enables users to identify the providers in their hometown or in the respective Federal State and to compare directly. Who is already logged on when multiple providers, can on the Germany card all available car sharing vehicles (cars and bikes) Search and find always the next vehicle in the current site. So saves you the cumbersome search on multiple provider home pages and has the complete vehicle pool of all sharers always directly in the views. On the sites, users have also to ask questions around the theme sharing the opportunity and discuss the offer of individual providers. The offer is constantly extended and updated to provide users with an overview of the growing diversity of CarSharing in Germany.

Independent CarSharing comparison, for the first time for private sharing at not only the editors but also the user evaluate the range of vehicles, pricing, and availability in the Federal territory. Visitors to the Web site have the opportunity to share their own experiences of the respective car sharing providers. In addition to the commercial car sharing providers for the first time the private car-sharing services are compared. For private car sharing vehicles are rented by private persons to private individuals and the CarSharing provider assumes only the Mediation, as well as the insurance. All four providers operating currently in Germany are taken at scrutinized and evaluated by the editorial staff, as well as by users. is a private, non-commercial information, which made offerings in Germany to make more transparent the CarSharing. For more information see
