Month: <span>April 2014</span>

Trend-setting statements from the practice of Munich, 24.01.13 more than 350 guests from business, industry, agency scene and designer took up the invitation of the Buttenpapierfabrik GMUND to the “GMUND fire Convention” followed in Munich, to trend-setting presentations by the experts Florian Haller by service plan, Gerd Strehle of Strenesse, designer Marc Friedland, to hear Dr. Kaufmann from Leica and Florian Kohler GMUND and to exchange ideas. BU: Fire Convention in Munich around 350 guests from business, industry and advertising met the GMUND. Florian Kohler, owner of the Buttenpapierfabrik GMUND, welcomed as a world all the words valued competence center for paper, color and structure accompany and advise in the aesthetic development of the respective brand identity for many years and thus positively charge the names of our clients. We are the creators of brands for many of our customers more and more.” Florian Haller, Chief Executive Officer of the service plan Group spoke about the Internetization”brand and the challenge of brand management in the digital environment.

Gerd Strehle, Chairman of the Board of Strenesse AG, explained his experience from the perspective of a fashion-maker, which has linked the aesthetic style of its products, like no other, with the brand image of his house. Dr. Andreas Kaufmann, Chairman of the Board of Leica camera AG gave interesting insights to the brand management in the field of tension between tradition and innovation. The surprise guest Marc Friedland brought Hollywood flair to Munich. The designer of Los Angeles created invitations to top VIP events, as well as the by far most popular and most photographed envelopes of the world, the annual Oscar Award. U.S. Designer Marc Friedland, presenter Alexandra Polzin, Florian Kohler, Buttenpapierfabrik GMUND, Gerd Strehle, Strenesse AG, Dr. Andreas Kaufmann, Florian Haller, group’s service plan and Leica camera AG (v.l). BU: Made in GMUND: the invitations for the VIPs of this world come from GMUND.


Examples of this are the established Online shopping portals like about Amazon, who live in this principle. The language of the customer understand and even speak: many companies had to in the context of social networks the painful experience do that very different are the language on Twitter or Facebook, as well as associated rules as in the traditional communication. Personal customer contacts are more sustainable, if customer service representative and customer at the same stage of life (such as raising a family) meet, this principle applies to use it. Data protection across all business processes and channels: it is again remarkable how many companies practice a relationship without any consideration of privacy and legal requirements. The customer discovered the irregularities, the damage is large and often ends the relationship.

Consistency in customer relations: it is also continually surprising how few companies provide a reliable 360 view of the customer. It is also a sustainable customer history among a sustainable customer relationship. Departure from the static behavior of offer: sustainable CRM also means that companies do not respond to dynamic customer relationships with standards. Rather, customers expect a customized solution that addresses a specific customer situation. There arises the question of how to implement a sustainable-oriented customer relationship management can be.

This begins with that for customers, sustainable values are produced by the companies invest more in the understanding of customer needs. At the same time, there is a need to focus on the customer and not the product in the customer contact. Because customers want less mass-produced, but tailor-made solutions at the right time. New technical solutions such as real time decisions based on business intelligence and probability models make this possible. Low purchase probabilities are available, products and services are not offered. Another aspect is from the perspective of implementation, to develop a 360 view of the customer at all customer touch points. Sustainable customer relationships require as comprehensive information about the customers. Companies must invest actively and comprehensively in the integration of customer information. Also fast solutions by generous decision powers (empowerment) are necessary so that employees and customers are put in the position, based on the available customer information in real time to make the right decisions. In addition, it is to establish a culture of data protection. In addition, the management must be ready to take a role. This certainly clashes with the principles of short-term profits in companies, there are different interests, which may be the sustainable management of the customer contrary to cross through the divisions. Regardless, a sustainable customer relationship management is facing the challenge to find appropriate solutions for this. ec4u expert consulting ag ec4u expert consulting ag, headquartered in Karlsruhe, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich, Pfaffikon and Zurich is one of the leading companies for services in the areas of customer relationship management (CRM), business intelligence (BI) and integration in the German-speaking world. It offers proven CRM services from strategy to implementation and prospective customers. ec4u looks back on over 160 successful CRM projects and implementations. The customer list includes renowned customers from the core industries of financial services (banking and insurance), telecommunication, life sciences (pharmaceuticals and medical devices), as well as energy management with long-standing customers like Bayer, Bosch, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Telekom, Integralis, MEWA, RWE, Stryker, Swisscom and ZKB. of think factory groupcom GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-72 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71
