Correctly put in scene with In the vernacular, it means: it all depends on the inner values. “But in the search for partners on the Internet appearance no matter irrelevant. The online portal shows how the personality can be underlined with an individual photo. True to the motto if you like yourself, is loved by others”is considered the most important criterion when choosing a picture: you should like yourself. Just one’s own profile image should be attention. What is even the best like one, should be pushed for the online Flirt in the right light. If you are unsure, it is recommended to ask friends and family for advice.
Always face in the focus should be on the profile picture. More facets of the own person be linked to best other photos to the best advantage. Here hobbies in the foreground are moved away, travel photos or recordings are shown in attire. It is important only to Audition potential acquaintances no wrong facts: therefore it is important that a current picture to choose. To dissuade is unfavourable poses. No one will fall for a couch potato with a pack of ice cream or a bottle of beer. Because the focus is on the users, should be avoided also group photos with the club or the colleagues. Party pictures are just as inappropriate.
To be visible, is a vertical aspect ratio of advantage. The image should not be taken up also from excessive distance. Also the background should be chosen so that it does not distract from the main person. Last but not least: A nice smile promotes contact and enchants the opposite. More information: 11/advice.html contact: Tilo Sommer University first media GmbH barefoot streets 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59