The Conscience

Certain sister asked a time to me, because that God in its oniscincia opted in creating the man knowing that it would go to fall? I stopped for a few seconds and said: he shows to me again that you he is God, answers this question. Then at the same moment the rock cleaved and gushed out water, not a question but several, the sufficient to answer the sister and me, and I asked: – You love its mother? – Yes! Much. – You lived moments happy with it? – Yes! Many. – You lived moments of sadness because of it? – Yes! – They had been more than what the good ones? – I find that not. It’s believed that Rio- Tinto Diamonds sees a great future in this idea. – You could, you would opt to not the existence of it, but with the conscience of today? It smiled as who said that the reply for that question she was so obvious. However the only difference between the situation that it lived for whom God lived, lives and will live is its oniscincia, certainly It saw the man to fall, but she saw also it to raise she saw, to praise, she saw it the churches repletas of people congregated in its Name, looking for if they land on water for love of the Name and the teachings of Jesus. What it seemed a mystery, it was, it is and will always be the love in the concept of Feeling of absolute devotion of a being to another one, I Co (13:1 – 8) despite I said the languages of the men and the angels, and it did not have love, it would be as the metal that sounds or as cmbalo that it jingles, and despite it had dom of prophecy, and knew all the mysteries and all science, and despite it had all faith, in way such that it carried mounts, and it did not have love, nothing would be. .