In its last announcement, Bolivar said: ' ' The military must empunhar its swords to defend asgarantias sociais' '. The last thing that a military man must make is to serve aoimperialismo and to the dominant oligarchies and to arremeter against its proper people, as already it happened in innumerable occasions in our continent. Bolivar, numaocasio, said that ' ' cursed either the soldier whom if he launches against seupovo' '. 5 In this finishes time that Chavez if found with the current president of the EUAObama delivered to a book of the Paraguayan writer Eduardo to it Galeano, veiasabertas of Latin America, a reference who search to see the productions marxistasdentro of the imperialism American north in Latin America, this I break up dodiscurso of Chavez where it standes out the position of the military in the process deimperialismo, making aluso the situation of Colombia, where the exercitocolombiano in set I exercise with it of U.S.A. comes promoting one verdadeiraguerra civil in that country cons the FARCs (Armed Forces revolutionary dColmbia) this guerrila organization comes very making great Columbian opposition aogoverno, a time that this is customer of U.S.A., is receiving ajudaamericana by means of the third way of U.S.A. As well as Chavez in Venezuela another echo of freedom before the EUAouvimos despite of more shy form bolivian president Evo Morales, vembuscando to base its administration on the nationalization of empresasmultinacionais in its country, a sample of confronts the American decisions and pretensions dosnorte that they desire a domination total of the continent. The great project deChvez is to create a socialism in Venezuela, According to president, primeirociclo of the revolution of the country started in 1989 with the Caracazo, the revolt popularcontra the survey of subsidies for president Carlos Andrs Perez, eterminou with the ownership of Chavez for the first mandate, in 1999. With suachegada to the power for the vote, in 1999, the cycle was initiated as, in vigoratualmente.
Tag: <span>history</span>
For the author we must initiate the quarrel from a problematic one: Which history? Which citizenship? It is by means of these questions that we will be able to perceive the paper of History in the formation of the citizen. According to Fonseca Forest, this reflection has left of two premises for the historian: the first one, is to think History as it disciplines educative and liberating, therefore develops the paper to form the historical conscience of the men, being made possible the construction of the identity. second is to have conscience of that the debate on the meaning to teach history is processed, always, in the interior of fights cultural politics and, then it points limits, possibilities, desires and necessities historically constructed. Valley to remember, that ‘ ‘ education of History and the construction of the citizenship assumes different configurations in the diverse contexts politicians. With the Dictatorship of 64, for example, taught history had as theoretical bedding the positivista, europocntrica and linear historiografia traditional, organized on the basis of landmarks, facts of the institucional politics in a chronological sequence causal.’ ‘ The author says. With this method of education history not only excludes the pupil of the process of construction of the knowledge, but also of the formation of citizenship, while subject social.
In summary, all the ideas descutidas here, are of extreme importance for we while future historians and educators, therefore it not only allows in them to know a little of the trajectory of the education of History in Brazil, but also it takes to reflect us it on the paper of History in the formation of the citizen. Thus, only the education of History directed toward the research, analyzes critical of the different experiences human beings and the problematizao, can guarantee a process of teach-learning of quality, compromised to the educational responsibility, politics, cultural and social of the school, that the inclusion and the rights of the citizen guarantee that they constitute a democratic society.
In the first case, centered in the production for the great farming and, in as, subordinate to the international prices. Moreover, the demand of agricultural sorts existing in the Europe would be enters the factors boosters of the expansion of tropical products. Stolen (2004) it emphasizes the importance of the pressure of the too much European nations on Portugal and Spain, come back toward the necessity to occupy lands so that effectively ' had its; ' direitos' ' guaranteed; the experience of Portugal with the production of sugar in other colonies; the importance to make to produce to cover expenditures centered in the defense of new lands; the existing demand in the European nations for sugar and the existence of great capitals interested in extending the exportations, amongst others. Ally to the external factors was the politics of man power with use of slaves, demanding great amounts, especially in the cultures directed toward exportation and the existence of this available man power. However, what effectively it contributed so that had increasing appropriation of the lands, would be in the fact of that the use of great capitals predominated the too much factors ahead, in view of the necessity of vultosos resources for the transport of the slaves, purchase of necessary machineries the sugar production and the existence of the possibility of great necessary properties the production of tropical products. The Portuguese colony in America was influenced, also, for the strong dependence that Portugal was acquiring of England. Its hegemony, to the few only started to be apparent, in view of that the English, through diverse pacts had started to determine which main measures, Portugal could carry through. Bausbaum (1957), speaks of the Portuguese economic atony and its dependence in relation to England, beyond if to sobressair only in relation to the imported products. This external interference passes, also, of certain form, to determine the consolidation of a legal apparatus that happened on the internal relations.