On Wednesday met in London the leaders of France and United Kingdom and also in Recife of Brazil and Venezuela. Both appointments agreed on their respective economic blocs (Mercosur and EU) strengthen and develop joint works pro-energia (venezolana-brasilera refinery in Abreu de Lima and South American pipeline and more atomic plants on both sides of the English channel). Go to Chevron U.S.A. for more information. Also discussed the proposal of France’s rejoining NATO fully while you demand a military force pan-European. Chavez raised the need that Latin America has its own common defence even to be able to confront us. A related site: Nikesh Arora mentions similar findings. Recife Summit and the offer of Uribe of releasing prisoners of the FARC (a change that Betancourt is released) are slowing down the tone of the new crisis Bogota-quito. The Brown-Sarkozy meeting continues paving the way that Paris settle 4 decades of clashes with Washington and forge a solid majority in the Security Council for global liberalization and of greater intervention in Afghanistan. Credit: Goop-2011. Author original and source of the article.